Someone whose world is entirely concerned with making more money and therefore obtaining more power and influence over others. Their short-term interest is personal gratification, at the expense of improving the environment, humanity and societal progression. Being conscience-free, Capitalist Arsewipes have essentially destroyed a sense of collective responsibility in society, and reduced it to a shallow, money-making circus.
The town was a community -spirited place until some Capitalist Arsewipe came along , demolished the ancient woodland, and built 10,000 houses without amenities.
Wealth worshiping religious extremists, who praise God and worship money while posing as Christians and using their wealth to oppress and exploit their fellow man by funding politicians' political campaigns. They stand before a nation of people and testilie about their faith and virtue.
Congregational Capitalists are responsible for the 2008 Domestic Economic Terrorist Attack that destroyed our nation's economy.
Typically a capitalist in older cultures and societies, or practically, in most countries in the world except a few that are genuinely democratic and with good enough and fair enough social systems for everybody - even the ordinary. The capitalist has socioeconomic advantages that are insurmountable for the under classes to compete against or to rise up to; thus, a continuation of the medieval political system known as the feudalism is carried through in the new form as the modern socioeconomic feudal system, and to continue to protect the old wealth and power of the new type of all powerful lords in the capitalist form.
Dude1: “dude, how the heck.. this kid just got the PhD from.. South Hammn I.T... and he is running the bank starting tomorrow?!..”
Dude2: “He is the feudal-capitalist clan dude! Better watch it bro.”
Dude1: “dude, the government program booklet said if you got a good idea, you proved it, and the banks will have to loan money if you want to do business with it under the program … it’s just not true..!”
Dude2: “dude … that business is probably one of those for-feudal-capitalist-only thing dude ... they have the banks, they make the rules, they even have your world around you in their pockets; what you gonna do?..”
Dude1: “how ‘bout shove a communist revolution up their ass dude!?”
Dude2: “ … dude.. where u gonna get the AK & RPGs dude? … the Korean commies probably don’t even give those out for free anymore dude.. besides, the feudal-capitalist probably run the whole distribution channel at this joint anyway dude..”
Dude1 ...
Next day..
Dude1: “dude.. got the new government program booklet today.. guess what, from now, you’ll need an already running business that already have revenue and you’ll need to own some properties and you’ll need about ten backers before your damn loan can be considered by the feudal-capitalist..”
Dude2 ...
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A magical creature much like a Unicorn. As in it doesnt exist, and cannot exist, because the two things create a paradox
Dude i saw an Anarcho capitalist riding a unicorn in the magic fairy forest that was swallowed up by a rip in the fabric of the universe
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someone you hate and or are insulting who is a businessman/woman.
how about you fuck off you capitalist cuck!
A situation where tremendous amounts of money can be made just by capitalizing your personality and ideas. Mark Zuckerburg and Steve Jobs tops the list.
Her: Did you remember how my mom loved Sandra Bullock movies? So simple and funny, yet so good.
Me: My favorite is the Proposal with Ryan Reynolds and Betty White - they are all accidental capitalists.
Capitalist Marxism is a term used when capitalists use a marxist framework to understand Capitalism better so they can use it to control the proletariat and mantain capitalism for a longer amount of time
Person 1: "dude,i just joined this bussiness school and they are talking about extracting the most labour value from employees!"
Person 2: " ah, it must be a class about Capitalist Marxism then"