Source Code

chapter 11

To go bankrupt, to lose all money.

K-Mart is going to chapter 11 if they keep selling low quality products.

by k November 29, 2004

11πŸ‘ 59πŸ‘Ž

eronsteron chapter 2

A guy that is the upgraded version of eronsteron and his Tsar Bomba to a greater power, which resembles into it destroying kakumei goku. And his igelkott has also grown so his igelkott is so powerful that it can kill anyone with a tap, and also his eyes have evolved into it being the rotten stink which will do that if a human took a smell they would die instantly from the disgusting smell.

eronsteron chapter 2

by Xantores August 26, 2023

84πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

eronsteron chapter 3

In a mysterious world, Eronsteron was known for his unpredictable rages and teethstones in his teeth. He possessed a nuclear bomb, the Tsar Bomba, and a legend that it would activate if an igelkott entered him. His eyes had a terrifying power.

An upgraded Eronsteron had an even more potent Tsar Bomba and sought to destroy Kakumei Goku. His igelkott was deadly with a single touch, and his eyes emitted a lethal, putrid stench. This story unfolded the battles and consequences of their existence in a world of unimaginable power and danger.

eronsteron chapter 3

by Xantoress September 15, 2023

deltarune chapter 2

Toby fox's game that finally came out and now were all playing it

Ron: hey, have you played deltarune chapter 2 yet???
Mark: no I haven't, is it fun?
Ron: yea

by wasd_wasd October 1, 2021

Aot chapter 139

Something that let us down as a very bad ending

Person 1: iam bout to convert to manga reader to read aot I heard last chapter is aot chapter 139

Person 2: don’t read aot or chapter 139

by Redatheredhatestsunderes June 25, 2021

30πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

Isiah Chapter 53

It's a Chapter found in the book of Isiah where Christians finds it as one of the strongest prophecies of Christ's atonement for sins and a chapter of the greatest threat for the Jews to the point that most, if not all, of Rabbis and Jewish teachers are afraid to read this chapter.

Christian 1: It's a good thing Jews don't believe Jesus as the Messiah. If they believe, they will be in a better position than I would because they are the direct seeds of Abraham. If they believe I will be so jealous.

Christian 2: Don't worry, just read Isiah Chapter 53. If you believe Jesus has done it for you, the inheritance can be yours.

by PMC November 3, 2005

165πŸ‘ 38πŸ‘Ž

Deltarune chapter 2


dude deltarune chapter 2 finally came out yessss
now the wait for the 5 remaining chapters begins

by RandomPeep2939 September 30, 2021