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Elmwood village charter school

One of the best school in buffalo ny some teachers are ass hole but they make children succeed some of the girls are fine ash and most niggas are ugly and some of the kids are bad as hell

No word to describe elmwood village charter school

by Evcs February 20, 2019

Mountain Discovery Charter School

The alternative to the alternative school. A small K-8 school. Popular activities include attempting to create drama despite the 60 middle school student body.

Man, watch out for those Mountain Discovery Charter School kids.

by MDCS October 16, 2014

Mast Community Charter School

White ass school with white thots and white F*ckboys . Most people are goody too shoes and don’t do shit. The teachers blab all day and all the boys do after school is play fortnite and nobody that goes there has a life. If you go there, you have no life, no friends, and your living in hell. MaST is hell!! F*CK MAST!!

Person 1: I want to leave this f*kin school so bad it’s such a hell whole!

Person 2: Ya F*ck Mast Community Charter School

by Mast Charter School April 1, 2019

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philadelphia academy charter school

ratchet ass school with ratchet ass people..drama drama drama drama

isn’t philadelphia academy charter school

by bebebrnr June 14, 2019

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charter school of san diego

1. Two days a week, two hours a day, two reasons to get fucked up the rest of the time.

2. Summer vacation 24/7

3. Either here for two reasons; you want to get done with school early (over achieving bitch) or your the person they had to fucking pull into class and duct tape your eyes open.

4. No matter their age, size, race, or appearance; they smoke weed. (No need to ask, just pass.)

5. Wasn't your first choice but hope it's the last.

Beep! Beep! Beep!
There is no chirping birds.
There is no smell of fresh coffee.
The toast is not being made.
Your mom's not in your room yelling at you to get up.
It's your homie with a blunt ready to smoke.
Yeah thats Charter School of San Diego.

by Crazy K & Lizzy April 28, 2008

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aurora charter school

a shit hole

damn that school is bad

lol its such an aurora charter school fam

by coc suker July 4, 2019

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miami arts charter school

hell. it's a school for crackheads

Is that Miami arts charter school?
No it's the gateway to hell

by imjustabasicbitchhahahsorry October 7, 2019

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