A chicken nugget is a fast food commonly found in McDonald's, burger king, and Wendy's. It's one of the best foods there is and in YouTube, there is a song about it by Nick Bean.
" I want a 10 piece chicken nuggets please"
chicken nugget are a word 9 year old cant shut up about
A racist and misogynistic term which literally means CHEAP WHITE MEAT.
Normally used by "looky looky" men selling things on the street, like sunglasses, souvenirs. It's specifically directed towards young white girls in tourist destinations, that attract lots of white people.
It's very common and a big joke among guys who work in these tourist places - the girls are worthless and can be used however you want. Every good seller is your best friend even when he doesn't respect you, the insult allows the seller to maintain his own ego even when they don't buy.
The thing that's so ironic is - the white people don't realize what it means and think the seller is being cute, it's really the perfect insult.
Hey chicken nugget! You wanna looky looky at my sunglasses? Nice good price for you. No? Ok chicken nugget!
The greatest food in the world made with chicken.It is then baked in a oven and put in your mouth.You chew it and you are in food heaven a place you can go to feel like you are in heaven in the amazing MC Donald
Im hungry
Oh really wanna grab some chicken nuggets
Chicken Nuggets are type of plants that usually grow in McDonald’s Follow my instagram: @_daniel._.2k18_
Sarahah: Do u want to go eat some chicken nuggets?
David : yeh u bitch
A very beautiful delicacy made in only a few minutes. Often in its original form, it can also be in the shapes of extinct beast creatures far more past than our existence, like a dinosaur. It also comes with other shapes of other creatures only intellects will understand like a rhino, chicken, dog, etc..
Jacob, the spoiled fat 3rd grader, exclaimed, "CHICKEN NUGGETS ARE MY LIFE!!!"