When a girl attempts to fornicate her vagina with a peeled banana, resulting in a mushy mess down under.
"Man, I chimpanzee bitchslapped the fuck out of my punani last night...what a mess. Should have saved the banana for breakfast."
Ranges from Southern Appalachia to the Mississippi Delta. Noted for not foraging below the knees, and preferring jerries, jips, jiggen, jiggen pho, bijan robinson rice, verma jelly, dobo jigo.
Oh wow, look at the Southern Chimpanzee in its natural habitat. The couch.
Ranging from Southwest Virginia all the way to the Mississippi Delta, the Southern Chimp is a remarkably peculiar specimen. Noted for not foraging below the knees and its fascination of running water.
Do you hear that shuffling and munching? We must be nearing the territory of the southern chimpanzee
I’d rather watch a chimpanzee scroll through Instagram than go to your neighbors house to watch game of thrones Jerry.