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Large Hadron Collider

The worlds largest particle accelerator located in Switzerland that collides subatomic particles at almost the speed of light, with the goal of re-creating the conditions of the big bang.

The large hadron collider is rumored to cause blackholes that will end the world be conspiracy theorists.

by variablev October 12, 2016


The best thing ever created


by timsweeney June 13, 2022

When Worlds Collide

When Worlds Collide is A FPS series That takes place during WW3 where America and Russia fight for world power. During the third game A X planet 1/4 the size of planet earth crashes into earth, This "X Planet" Has materials that can be used to make weapons mankind has never even imagined as described by: Ghost. During the 4th game Ghost enters a Nazi bunker with over 400 Nazi symbols causing the ban of When Worlds Collide. In the 10th game Aliens come to earth to get back their resources which were used to build weapons causing war. During the 16th game Ghost kills the alien race. 20th game Ghost Ends WW3, Ghost Stops Alien Invasion, Ghost Kills All World Powers, And Then Commits Suicide.

When Worlds Collide Was suppose to be the number 1 top selling game of 2013.

by Battery Inc. June 26, 2013

Particle Collider

The action when two males partake in anal sex, in the doggy style position. The action of the particle collider is when their ball sacks clack together.

Carl: Y'aren't doing the particle collider in there cuz I hear some clacking!

by 342 Boi June 9, 2019

Syrup Arc (Worlds Collide Roleplay)

The beginning arc to a very chaotic, multi-dimensional, and extremely gay frog crossover roleplay

Person A: I was a part of the Syrup Arc (Worlds Collide Roleplay).
Person B: How the frick do you keep track of everything in that rp?
Person A:

Person A: I don't.

by Echooooo November 2, 2021

Mountain collide

When someone you know turns out to be gay and tells you he is really into assbumping. This refers to the colliding of 2 mountains. Als refers to the movie Brokeback Mountain.

Ho-lee-fuck, did you hear Bert pulling a mountain collide yesterday?

by Lord Bucket September 16, 2021

Capsule Collider

The canon name of the player from baldi's basics.
This is that's the unity object it uses.

Capsule Collider
Yes baldi?
promise me you'll never eat at arby's

by iminhellplshelpahhh October 2, 2024