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People who tend to have black and white opinions on nearly every issue in the universe. Don't realize the importance of situational ethics. This is most likely the result of a fundamentalist religious upbringing.

A nine year old girl, tragically, is raped and impregnated by her stepfather. What to do? According to the religious absolutist, abortion is, under all circumstances, 100% wrong. Unless the birth is life-threatening, she can't abort.

Moderate: I don't normally support abortion, but here it's necessary.
Liberal: I think abortion is a right that belongs to the mother. I would support her right to choose if this girl was nine or twenty nine, raped or non-raped. (although i would personally disapprove of it in the latter).
Conservative: Fucking baby killers! It's an innocent fucking BABY we're talking about!
(as opposed to a non-sentient cluster of cells, lacking a nervous system and the ability to feel pain)

by Submitters of Words June 14, 2011

89๐Ÿ‘ 2879๐Ÿ‘Ž


1. One who belongs to a silent majority group who, historically, is not concerned with voting in feeble opinion polls and ridiculous online word-bashing contests (See Presidential Election 2004, when nearly every major news network published "national" polls of John Kerry gaining the majority of votes from coast to coast. Note how when push came to shove this silent majority swept the election with a mandate...

2. One that typically exists to the right of the political spectrum, but by no means is required to be "far" in such direction. A conservative also recognizes the fact that when a decidedly "far-right" President is elected by marginal popular vote, the MAJORITY has spoken that it would even side with the extreme of one side to flee from the flimsy and weak views of the opposition.

3. An entity that understands that America was founded that its citizens may exercise individual freedoms without *government intervention; this right not the be misinterpreted that those with views dissimilar to the majority may resrict the fair practice of those in the majority, just that they may choose to believe differently without persecution. Unfortunately liberalism has yet to grasp this fundamental concept and would rather chase Christians with lawsuits than read a history book.

Reread these 3 definitions also if you have lost sight of the definition of the word patriot.

Conservatism is often twisted, bashed, and contorted by misguided liberals who would rather point fingers and pat each other on the back than actually doing something constructive.

by AllAmerican December 11, 2004

4521๐Ÿ‘ 649๐Ÿ‘Ž


Claims to support economic freedom, religious freedom, and law and order, but in truth supports wage slavery, theocratic fundamentalism, and police states.

What a conservative says and what a conservative means are two *very* different things.

by Your Next Door Neighbor November 1, 2020

64๐Ÿ‘ 5920๐Ÿ‘Ž


One who believes that the rights of the state come before the rights of the people. Generally, people who are conservative are against gun control, abortion, and gay marriage. However, the particular set of beliefs is dependent upon the specific person.
In contrast, smart liberals like to promote equality, as well as helping others.

Conservative: I is smart
Liberal: Sure my ignorant friend.

Otto von Bismarck, Prime Minister of the German Confederation, tried to end the influence of Karl Marx and socialism. Ironically, his efforts only made the Socialists stronger.

by smart_liberal March 16, 2008

85๐Ÿ‘ 68๐Ÿ‘Ž


1. Someone who jackhammers their fanatical religious beliefs down other people's throats, and if you don't like it, move to Canada.

2. Someone who fabricates a reason to invade a country (Iraq) that never attacked the United States, and if you don't like it, move to Canada.

3. Someone who runs political campaigns full of lies and dirty tricks, and if you don't like it, move to Canada.

4. Someone who cuts taxes to make the super rich even richer while increasing spending and putting the country deep in debt, and if you don't like it, move to Canada.

I am a conservative asshole with narrow minded, bigoted, fascist beliefs, and if you don't like it, move to Canada.

by AntiGop April 19, 2005

532๐Ÿ‘ 6366๐Ÿ‘Ž


there are 2 types of conservatives. There are gun slinging rednecks with no education and there are rich, greedy corporate executives who destroy our economy, monoplize all of the wealth and try to corrupt our politicians. The second type believes that the working class should starve and die while the rich should enjoy HUGE fucking tax cuts. However most type 2 conservatives are also poorly educated and watch nascar and believe that only pure aryan protestants should be allowed to live in the U.S.

George bush is a conservative tight wad that is obsessed with nascar,helping out his already wealthy friends who own Halliburton and believes that it is acceptable to use religion as a basis for our government.

by 8===D----(l) April 21, 2011

56๐Ÿ‘ 5912๐Ÿ‘Ž


A person who envies traditional values & free market capitalism. Believes in preservation of the status quo. Anti-establishment, for gun rights, endorses free speech, persona autonomy, rtc.

Trump is a conservative

by Sierras ugly June 3, 2023

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