Another word for bullshit, the origin roots from a geography class in which the formation of a corrie was being taught. You know what you call that? Bullshit
Damien: "I sniffed adeles panties"
Timothy: "That's corrie bro"
Corrie is a girl or boy who will for shure squeeze you're insides out and allways be brutally honest if it of ends you they will cry with you they have soooooo much fucking love and respect for you I have never met a racist Corrie in my life don't leave them but Bo fucking carefull because if you start a fight you can be shure that you will be injured
Be as brave kind and loving as a corrie
Rebecca corry is a lovley person most people will be lucky to get this person . This person likes being called nicknames like panda or becca or bexii
One of the best person u will ever meet i love her u usally call this person a panda or a penturtle
He rebecca corry i love you panda
Based off of Corry from dude perfect and never being able to make a put on the putting green in the All Sports Golf Battle
He just Corryed it
Desires to have sex with a Virgin Pendolino 390
Yeh he went from London Euston and had a large amount of Angus Corrie