Deandre is a thug. He is addicted to fortnite and is very rude and stinky. Deandre can also be known as “Dre” Deandre also loves to vape and is addicted to nicotine. Deandre come home everyday and plays fortnite and even urinates on himself to not stop the grind. Deandre also has dreads which makes him a hall of fame menace
Hey “Deandre” pass the vape
“Deandre” get away from me your dreads stink
“Deandre” get off fortnite
He is a Bad-ass Motherfucker
Get rekt
Don't get offended
DeAndre is Rekt
A fine young man with a huge dick. Aslo, he is a sweet man with manners. He is always kind and very sexy and hot. And in the bed he is very wild.
Deandre you have a huge dick with manners. Be my boyfriend. deandre boykins mean power and light and i saw the light when i saw him.
The absolute or comparative absence of light, or the modification of visual sensation produced by such absence.
Not even the shoes polish I use on my shoes is as dark as Deandre Coleman.
The absolute or comparative absence of light, or the modification of visual sensation produced by such absence.
That BOY Deandre Coleman black asf
The term call of duty players would use every time they aimed in on their sniper rifle for 0.2 nanoseconds before killing the enemy player.
Damn I really just got DeAndred.
He just DeAndred me out of nowhere.
How did I just get 360-DeAndred