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white, loves tacos, and has a brother called Everett. He is fat and needs to grow up
She's from tennessee and loves talking on discord. she also has a bf that she calls 'bae'

some of her inspirations are comp, sin, scorpio, and pyth

"yo wheres delia"
"shes inside w everett and bae"

by whyruhere April 29, 2024


The Sweetest of souls, everyone needs to know delia! If you ever loose her, sorry for you. You’d miss her a lot. They’re Amazing and Fabulous and I love them! Their so cool!

Boy 1: Have u lost that pretty girl..?

Boy2: Do you mean Delia ?
Boy1: Yeah her-
Boy 2: Yeah,, I miss Delia, Theyre amazing!
Boy 1: Sucks to suck 😎

by cinnabeebun November 23, 2021


A gorgeous redhead who is smart and thoughtful. She will always make you laugh with funny videos. She is very calm and likes to be alone. Overall she'll be your best Friend forever

Do you believe in God? Well, I believe in Delia

by November 22, 2021


Loves Gavin and is very pretty she is so amazing and always there for you

Wow look at Delia I can’t believe she’s dating Gavin

by Herhhehehehehhe April 19, 2022