The man with the largest genital organ in the universe.
He is pansexual,and that's why he doesn't date one of the many girls who are interested in him.
Hey, Dinis i need comeback home you can help me ?
Dinis- Of course. Ride on my cock.
The man with the largest genital organ in the universe.
He is pansexual,and that's why he doesn't date one of the many girls who are interested in him.
Hey, Dinis i need comeback home you can help me ?
Dinis- Of course. Ride on my cock.
diana and nitya’s shipname, the most powerful soulmates ever. they’re basically vmin from bts.
these two girls are so amazing, they love each other like there’s no tomorrow. however, they still haven’t met each other in real life but that will happen soon.
their friendship will last for a lifetime.
omg look it’s dini again, their friendship is so adorable
Guy with a very long dick and big brain.
Very flirty and knows how to use his tong.
Having sex with Dinis is like magic.
He will treat you like nobody.
I fucked Dinis and it's perfect.
I love Dinis.
I want Dinis inside me.
Dinis usually is a “Cabrão” meaning that he’s nice to people most of the time
- Who’s that ?
- oh that’s Dinis, he’s a cabrão so don’t need to worry
An indefinite virgin who speaks of their insane game in clubs and ability to attract those of the opposite sex that is in fact false.
Dini is a virg