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dr. phil

A texas born psychiatrist who has his own ridiculous talk show. Common themes include crack whores, obese people and abusive husbands. It's impossible to be chosen to appear on the show if your IQ is above 70.

If your addicted to drugs, you should go to rehab!
If you're fat you should go on a diet!
thank god for dr. phil, I never could have solved these problems on my own.

by yoitsashlee February 12, 2007

56๐Ÿ‘ 86๐Ÿ‘Ž

Dr. Phil

son of a bitch
well thats about it

hey did you hear what that guy did earlier?" "yea he's a real Dr. Phill"(son of a bitch)

by anal seepage August 8, 2006

61๐Ÿ‘ 97๐Ÿ‘Ž

Dr. Phil

Verb: to be a pain in the ass; to try and council people about issues you don't know about.

quit Dr. Phil'in me you ho'. I know more than you'll ever know!

by MeganDee. March 24, 2007

51๐Ÿ‘ 82๐Ÿ‘Ž

Dr. Phil

A straight up savage

I think Dr. Phil is Dr. Phil

by Mark madsen er dejlig July 24, 2018

Dr. Phil

Just watch the show.. he's a savage grandpa

"Ohh Dr. Phil just ate you alive with your spoiled ass shit"

by fendiWoods April 2, 2019

Dr. Phil

Youtubeโ€™s #1 cyberbully

Dr. Phil has a beautiful head

by Soulja Boy is a Drake fangirl April 1, 2020

Dr. Phil

Dr. Phil also known as the Dr. Philosopher of joy is considered the hottest man alive. Dr. Phil makes money off of troubled children and parents but hey at least he's rich. He has his own TV show(oh yes) and often looks very SNAZZY on TV.

"Have you seen the Dr.Phil show?"
"OMG yes Dr. Phil is so hAwT"

by Dr. Philosopher December 13, 2018