-acronym for
Extra Curricular Student-Teacher Activity Sex Yo-yo:
The act of having sex with a teacher, while bungee jumping. It is highly advised to listen to a remix of Hot for Teacher and Free Fallin' during the shenanigan, if one wishes to obtain the full experience. Not recommended for those who suffer from sexual insecurities and/or fear of heights.
1. "Doing E" is the slang term commonly associated with ECSTASY.
2. "Today, two young men have broken three world records for the highest velocity, furthest distance, and longest duration ever achieved in synchronized ECSTASY."
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A chemical ingested by anyone from party goers to suburbanites chilling out at home. Commonly known as E or Ecky its actual chemical name is MDA or MDMA. The drug induces a sense of euphoria & well being, while removing all inhibitions, opening up the mind and the heart.
Ecstasy is what made Studio 54 such a great party!!
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Within an hour after intake in a club, you WILL look like an idiot due to:
A) Retarded dancing.
B) Uncontrolled closing of the eyes.
C) Proclaiming your love to everything within arms reach.
D) Eating your own eyebrows.
E) Saturating conversations with utterly random and useless words and sentences.
F) Crying like a baby when it wears off.
I couldn't recommend it more.
Dude 1 (on ecstasy): "Dude I LOVE you guys! Armpits and stripes!". Dude 2 (potentially sober): "Dude, stop acting like an idiot, open your eyes and stop gnawing on your own scalp".
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Ecstasy is a slang term for an illegal drug that has effects similar to those of hallucinogens and stimulants. Ecstasy's scientific name is "MDMA," short for 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine, a name that's nearly as long as the all-night dance club "raves" or "trances" where ecstasy is often used. That's why MDMA is called a "club drug."
MDMA is synthetic-it doesn't come from a plant like marijuana does. MDMA users often make the drug in secret "labs"-in trailers, basements, and even kitchens-hidden around the country. Other chemicals or substances are often added to, or substituted for, MDMA in ecstasy tablets, such as caffeine, dextromethorphan (in some cough syrups), amphetamines, or cocaine. Makers of ecstasy can add anything they want to the drug. So the purity of ecstasy is always in question.
But Enough Of That ^ Ecstacy is the best! Sex is great(well i heard), water tastes the best, everything feels soft, I love this so much, it's a happy pill.
I Took Ecstasy for the first time 2 nights ago, and i fell in love! i felt like i loved everyone, everyone's skin felt so soft, i walked around feeling everything as i walked by, And at the time i was wishing my boyfriend was out of juvy so i could have sex thinking it would be the best feeling even more, well my friend said sex on E is like nothing else! OMG i loved everything at the time. Now i know why there's a face that's named when your on "thizz".
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MDMA. A club drug usually in the form of a pill with a with a picture or logo on it that just enhances euproria, stamina and suppress appetite which last for a few hours( good to take between 7 and 11 pm). it also makes people feel lusty around others which is the best part concluding with a gradual comedown where u fell from fatigue, burned out to depression pendimg how many rolled.
ecstasy is a stimulant meaning it boosts energy, enhances stamina, and suppress sleep.
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I think that E is a great drug to use...its cheap but it will effect you alot if you use it too is too much of a good drug never to try cause it will alter your life and the way that you think...try it but know that it is addictive and you will be able to control yourself...enjoy!
I me i am living proof
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Ecstasy is insane. It is an amazing drug. Can be snorted or popped. Once you take the ecstasy it takes a half hour-hour and a half to kick in. The high depends on the level and how much you took. 3-6 hours is normal. The cost of one roll (a pill) depends on if its a single stack, double stack, triple stack, quad stack...etc. A single stack is usually 10 bucks, double is 12-15, and triple is usually 20... 25 bucks if its super good. "Stack" refers to the level of the ecstasy. You can take usually 4-6 single stacks to get fucked up good. 2 or 3 double stacks and 1 to 2 triple stacks. Do not take over 2 triple stacks. You could die. Quad stacks are made only for true ecstasy lovers who have a lot of experience with the drug. It's very dangerous if you dont have a high tolerance for ex. I would say dont try quad stacks even if you do have a high tolerance. Always ask what type of stack it is before buying the roll. The thicker the pill, the more fucked up you will get.
Ecstasy comes in many many different colors and designs. Each pill is dipped in a different drug at the base of the pill (ex: lsd, cocaine, heroin, etc.). The colors and designs represent the drug it is dipped in. Only about 12-15% of an ecstasy pill is pure ecstasy, (unless you get pure MDMA capsules which is usually 90% ecstasy and is CRAZY FUN); the other 88% is filled with house hold cleaners that help to get you high.
You may have heard that each time you get high from ecstasy it takes an ice cream scoop out of your brain. This is not true; though it does burn small holes in your brain one high at a time. The house hold cleaners burn a hole in your brain and make it bleed. The blood drips down onto your spine to get you fucked up; similar to how acid works.
Sounds dangerous... but a few times wont hurt. It is not a scary drug in the least unless you take more than your body can handle. I've done it too much. Coming downs a bitch the next day the better your high is. Make sure your with friends when your coming down, but just know youll be back to normal the next day :)
"I really loveee ecstasy!!!!!!!!!"
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