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A country that has invented more international sports than any other nation. The list includes golf, tennis, darts, boxing, football (soccer), rugby union, rugby league and cricket. Although Americans don't play the last three sports, pretty much everyone else in the world does.

Other sports invented by England include; bobsleighing (believe it or not!), badminton, bowls, canoeing, snooker, croquet, curling, rowing, skiing (amazingly), squash, table tennis, yachting, weight lifting, archery and horse racing.

Perhaps the only three main games played on a global scale that are missing from the list are chess (accredited to India), hockey/ice hockey (Ireland) and Poker...not invented by Americans, but by the French.

At time of writing, England is home to the most prestigious tennis tournament(Wimbledon), the second best test cricket team in the world, the Rugby Union World Cup winners, one of the favourites for Germany 2006 Football World Cup plus the wealthiest and arguably best Football league in the world.

American jock: "what the hell's 'soccer' anyway? I mean, like, who actually plays that?"
England football hooligan: "it's the most viewed sport in the world mate. The World cup gets over 900 million more viewers than the superbowl. Enuf said."

by Lukebeelot March 13, 2006

136๐Ÿ‘ 153๐Ÿ‘Ž


A Great country that seems to have lost it's way. Those who knock our football team, dental service, abuse of our language etc...You're right. What you forget though, is that we have practically NO English players in our team,most of our dental and medical staff are from the East and before we had 24/7 access to foreign crap on telly, we all spoke nicely. Our National Health and Benefits systems are in melt-down because if you come here, we give you the same rights as us. What other country does that?! We go out of our way to "embrace" the world and allow tens of millions of people to come to OUR country. The only uneducated members of our country are either foreign imports or today's youth who spend their lives watching U.S talk-shows and listening to U.S influenced (c)rap music.
No one asks you to come here and we certainly don't want you to stay. We DON'T kill our own people, we DON'T enforce our will on others, we DON'T go to places we don't like. Finally, we don't all live for bloody football.

Fred: Can I see the dentist please?
Receptionist: I'm sorry, there's a four year waiting list since another European country has been allowed access to England.

by The English Gent October 31, 2007

130๐Ÿ‘ 150๐Ÿ‘Ž


A place that has been stereotyped because of about a fifth of the population and to us that is pretty unfair. We are not all Chavs and don't all have manky teeth. I have never met anyone with disgusting teeth and I have lived in england all my life.

We don't all drink tea all day or speak posh, but we also don't all go round starting fights either and talk like a chav but can speak like a civilized person and sort out arguments in a sensible manner.

And if it wasn't for the English, Football wouldn't have been invented neither would Rugby. We are proud of our football team as its our national sport, and who isn't proud of that?

And we also have some of the best actor/actresses and singers in the world at the moment.

Why are you basing your opinion on what you have heard but not experienced. If you go to England it is nothing like you think it is, its a very civilized place where not every one started fights in the street but neither do they all start drinking tea.

by Justsaying. July 5, 2011

13๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž


I could go on and on about how great it is and tell you all about our Bulldog sprit. But I will just say that is the greatest place on Earth and that London is it greatst city.

I wish I lived there.

by ValleyFloydJames August 22, 2005

325๐Ÿ‘ 426๐Ÿ‘Ž


Terribly difficult to some up briefly, so short and sweet:
One of the greatest nations ever.
Has an outstandingly extensive and fascinating history.
Once controlled virtually the whole world.
Has one of the most amazingingly diverse and exciting capitals in the world.
The English have played a significant role in the development of the arts and sciences throughout the globe.
Thanks to the legacy of the British Empire, the English language is now the world's unofficial lingua franca, while English common law is also the foundation of legal systems throughout the English-speaking countries of the world.
England has a long and rich musical history.
England has remained a central figure of literacy excellence throughout the past few centuries, notably Romanticism and Modernists.

Sir Winston Churchill, Isaac Newton, William Shakespeare and Charles Darwin- some of the most outstanding Englishmen.

Royal motto (French): Dieu et mon droit
(Translated: "God and my right")

This royal throne of kings, this sceptred isle,
This earth of majesty, this seat of Mars,
This other Eden, demi-paradise,
This fortress built by Nature for herself
Against infection and the hand of war,
This happy breed of men, this little world,
This precious stone set in the silver sea,
Which serves it in the office of a wall
Or as a moat defensive to a house,
Against the envy of less happier lands,
This blessed plot, this earth, this realm, this England.
William Shakespeare
Richard II (Act 2, Scene 1)

by Isaac H June 21, 2006

146๐Ÿ‘ 184๐Ÿ‘Ž


Officially the greatest nation on the face of this Earth. Often attacked by other nations due to its superiority, England is the beacon for pretty much everything great that has happened over the past 1000 years. England owned most of the World not long ago (aided by Scotland and Wales, see arse licks and beg friends) and jealousy from other nations is still rife. Most caucasian Americans are of English descent, and should be damn proud of that fact. The status of England has admittedly recently become a bit of a laughing stock due to grotesque levels of illegal immigration, political correctness, people scared to speak up against left wing twats, and ignorance of greatness.

Ahmed: I'd love to move to England, but I'd really like to see high crime levels, incredible obesity rates, low life expectancy, extremely cold weather, and a language which I couldn't understand if I was there for 50 years, where shall I go?
Egbert: Scotland.

Teacher: Bobby, how do you spell 'perfection'?
Bobby: E-N-G-L-A-N-D

by George Payne April 12, 2008

136๐Ÿ‘ 172๐Ÿ‘Ž


A country in Great Britain that, funnily enough, consists of more than just London, and has inhabitants which, contrary to popular American belief, do not usually play tennis with Prince Charles and then go eat crumpets and drink tea with the Queen every afternoon at four.

English; "I'm from England?"
American; "Ohmygodddd, you're from London right?"
English; "Actually I'm from Leeds."
American; "...where?"

American; "Are you from England?"
English; "yes"
American; "Do you know the Queen?"
English; (sarcastically) "Oh yes. As a matter of fact I'm just off hunting with her royal highness. Pip-pip."

by Sara;K July 4, 2009

43๐Ÿ‘ 49๐Ÿ‘Ž