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The United States is a nation of immigrants, with residents that speak a number of different languages and have ties to a number of different cultures. Presently, the United States does not have an official language, although according to the 2000 U.S. Census, 92 percent of the U.S. population over the age of 5 speaks English.

Legislation making English the official language would have serious unintended repercussions. For example, it would eliminate bilingual education services, prohibit the use of a translator in court, ban the use of another language by employees of the federal government, and bar the printing of any government documents in other languages. Paradoxically, making English the official language would probably result in less people speaking English because non-English speakers would no longer receive information on English classes. Such a policy would also pose a public safety issue by prohibiting a federal law enforcement agent from using a language other than English to gather information about a crime and question potential suspects or victims.

While I do believe all people residing in this country should learn English, making it the "official language" is not the way to go. That is why I would vote to make English the national and unifying language of the United States. Making English the "national and unifying" language rather than the "official" language avoids the unintended consequences discussed above. Instead of focusing our energies on making English the official language of the United States, we should do everything possible to ensure that our new citizens and residents have the opportunity to achieve English proficiency so they are able to fully participate in our society.

This world without English would be like a car without a motor.

by alvit June 26, 2009

34๐Ÿ‘ 21๐Ÿ‘Ž


THE worst class ever.

We know how to speak english, dammit!

by wakalakalover45 May 3, 2005

615๐Ÿ‘ 540๐Ÿ‘Ž


The best looking women with the sexiest accents on this beautiful little rock we call Earth. This coming from a Scottish man.

"Your accent, it's the classiest sound I've ever heard in all my days."
"Yes you handsome Scottish devil, that's because I'm English!"

by Lord of Judging Women August 14, 2008

98๐Ÿ‘ 80๐Ÿ‘Ž


a mix of german,french,celtic, and norse dialects that is now i think the most used language in the world
random fact more people speak english in china than the in the USA

a people who colonised most of the world including america much to their annoyence lol they can take the piss with all their false stereotypes such as the constant use of toodle pip and other random shite no1 has sed since the 1800s but ur just takn the piss outta ur family lol

hardly any1 speaks posh lyk the queen only the odd wierdo or american tryn to fit in...
english is split in2 many accents such as liverpudlian, brummie, cornish, devonian, cockney, queen's, mancs and many more the accents are known to change between towns seperated by no more than a few miles!

given the grammar is fukd up but thats language but whn u think other europian languages give objects genders which changes verb form and all sorts of shit just accept and get over it

fav american line: ...would be speaking german unless we won the war

English answer: .... would not be living or would be speakn french or spanish if we hadn't colonised :P

by Britain isnt England dickhead March 25, 2008

59๐Ÿ‘ 46๐Ÿ‘Ž


White people

English speak tea crumpet soccer

by Bigwillymaster69 January 2, 2022


1.A major Germanic language spoken by by from England, America, Canada,Some carribean countries, parts of south America. It is the most widely spoken germlang in the world and the most popular of the indo European. As a Germanic language it's rules where pretty simple. The language slowly began to lose major features such as gender,and case and conjunctions.
After the defeats to the Norman franks in 1066 The English language began adopting words from the French, with the adoption of words it also adopted a few peculiarities including unnecessary double constants eg.In the word unnecessary, Silent letters, Spelling unnecessary endings that are not pronounced eg. Boutique. Some of these are admirably due to sound changes, but the spellings remained the same due to French culture of formality.Spelling peculiarities grew worst when English decided to adopt words from other languages without changing their spelling. 16th and 17th century was filled with combining Latin and Greek words to sound more technical than each other so words the Technosophy people by like What's that? adopting words like Czech, Ocean,etc. Spelling no longer matches pronunciation. Most native speakers are unaware just how much they differ.
2.Refer to people of England, Settlers of the Anglo-Saxon tribe.
Derived from:
The word is derived from the Old Germanic word meaning corner.

Other Derived words:
(All relating to corner)

People speak a language called English

by Roybook August 26, 2017

4๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž


To be working on English homework or participating in english class.

She was Englishing late at night.

What are you doing?

Listening to Music and Englishing.

by Niceroy May 11, 2010

5๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž