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A nigger that is also a faggot

Wow tyrom is such a faggot what a nigger, WAIT WHAT A FIGGER!!!

by Yeetus mcfeetuss June 20, 2019


Verb: To fidget when mentally preoccupied.

Dan: "Quit playing with that rubber band and get back to work!"
Mike: "Leave me alone, Dan! I'm figgering!"
Dan: "Alright, I'll leave you to your thoughts then."

by heftymaus November 4, 2019


the n word for fat pole

whats up you orange fucking figger

by Obamaiscool February 11, 2024


derogatory term towards Fairies/Pixies, about fairies being slave labor.

yup them goddamn poppy pollen pickin pixie FIGGERS!

by Rimfa July 24, 2024


Origins: conversation between two (2) founding fathers of the fig fitness sport
Meaning: nuclear bomb made of Figs to destroy specifically kindergarten teachers to flex on there rival sport competitions

Im gonna explode these damned Figgers

by Finnbar McGowan April 30, 2022


"Figger", a more agressive way to refer to a Undercover Federal agent online. This is usually used against someone who acts suspiciously like a federal agent.

The Term was coined in August 22 by user CanManDan#5984 during a discussion in the Wow Mao zone server, as a potential alternative to the word "Glowie", witha. very similar meaning.

''go larp somewhere else figger'', ''I HATE FIGGERS!'', ''watch out i heard there where some figgers around''

by CanManDan August 16, 2022


A combination of 'fed' and 'nigger'

''be aware, there might be some figgers around'', ''I HATE FIGGERS''

by CanManDan August 16, 2022