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foggy forest

The act of blowing vape on someone's pubic hair.

Lost my erection until the guy gave me a good ol' foggy forest

by T0ast July 6, 2019

foggy lenses

Foggy Lenses is a pot smoking game similar to a drinking game where you take bong (or similar) hits instead of drinking. The way the game works is that every time you die you have to watch your kill cam and take a hit. If you are killed by an explosive, thrown knife, or melee attack you take 2 hits, and you also take 2 more if you get your death streak. The game Foggy Lenses was created by a group of xbox live gamer friends, late one night, while playing Modern Warfare 2. The name "Foggy Lenses" comes from the fact that being high makes your vision foggy and the kill cam in game has a lens. The creators of this game do not all smoke so it has been played as a standard drinking game. The game has also been used with multiple other first person shooters with similar rules and results.

Alex: That foggy lenses game fucked me up last night.

Andrew: I know man, I woke up still high.

Greg: That game is great. Want to play again tonight?

Alex and Andrew: Sure. Lets pack a bowl and get started.

Scott: But all I have is a 24 pack of Pepsi.

by Tragen December 24, 2009

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Foggy Deuce

<noun>. A particularly nasty fart that spreads minute particles of fecal matter throughout a confined area and lingers indefinitely.

Tourist #1) "Man I was in this elevator an hour ago and it smelled like someone dropped a turd in the corner! It still smells like rotten anus in here!"

Tourist #2) "Must have been a foggy deuce."

by Mike in Fredericksburg July 3, 2006

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Foggy Ballsack

A synonym for ball sweat.

Nick's has a Foggy Ballsack - Jason

Nick's has a Foggy Ballsack - Travis

My ballsack is foggy - Nick

by Snarfer Snurfer January 7, 2009

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Foggy Mirror

When a man cums on a girls glasses so that she can not see right.

"I came on this chicks glasses latnight and she said it looked like a foggy mirror."

by Weezy Baby October 17, 2007

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foggy toddler

when one farts and shit comes out and they dont know

o that baby is such a foggy toddler

by Quinn Tin August 9, 2016

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foggy bottom

a person who smokes weed while they take it up the ass

i wanted to smash Nicholas, until I realized he was a foggy bottom

by thymetime December 23, 2017

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