Garb O’ Darb was a person whom was born in the 1850s. Not much is known about his life, although he was known for garbing all the time. He tended to gas off as well. He died in an avalanche in 1903.
Garb O’ Darb gasses off a lot.
When citizens of who live on the East Coast of the United States. "Garb It Out". See "Garb It Out"
a. East side garb it out.
b. West side garb it out.
c. Garb, garb, garb, now garb it out.
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A play off of "Garb" (Garbage).A term used when the only cotents left in a marijuana bag is a small amount of seeds and shake, but the smoker still wants to finish their weed.
a. Are you going to smoke that pathetic shake?
b. Yeah... I'm gunna have to garb it out.
a) A being made entirely of garbage
b) Anatomically identical to a human being, but distinguished by his/her horrid actions and/or abject character
a) My hobby is scrap-art and I enjoy building zoomorphic garbeings
b) erdogan and his slimy spinless minions like to rape 12 y-olds. By all means, they are prime-quality pure-blood garbeing specimens.
A noun which describes the misuse of a femdom.
He slipped, and the proper thing became a mud garb.
It means the quality of the stuff is garbage like
Man, that bento is so garb qual.
Formal wear such as a suit and tie. Generally seen on politicians, lawyers, used car salesmen and others commonly believed to be dishonest but who use it in an attempt to appear trustworthy.
My family demanded I wear my dishonesty garb to the funeral.