GTF commonly used in text messages, for a feeling of dis-belief. GTF means "get the fuck", usually people type outta here. "GTF outta here💀✋"
Jeff: Sarah...
Sarah: yeah jeff
Jeff: we need to talk..
Sarah: oh my goodness what?🥺
Jeff: your mother died...
Sarah: gtf outta here ✋💀
Get the fuck or Give to fucks, when angry and not feeling the world or anyone in the matter
GTF stands for Gravity Therapy Films. The company films freelance drone filming. The YouTube-based company launched in 2022 and was created to raise awareness about global climate change. With an unique perspective, the company is spinning up it's propellers to start making another pun about helicopters. GTF is different from the phrase good to fly, but the two slogans are related.
Let's go check if GTF is still making drone videos on YouTube!
got to fart. it is used when u are with a friend and a cute boy or girl and u have to fart. u simply just say to your friend “gtf” they obviously have fo know what it means.