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mississippi gas chamber

The act when a woman opens her pussy and her man farts in it and then she sits on his face. Only in the fine state of Mississippi!!!!

Dude, last night me and Jen made a Mississippi gas chamber, I dont know what was worst...her sitting on my face or me shitting on her and her liking it. Only in Mississippi!!!

by ryan florida January 26, 2008

18๐Ÿ‘ 23๐Ÿ‘Ž

milwaukee gas chamber

When you hug a loved family member and then proceed to unleash the longest nastiest fart they have ever bear witness to.

Dude, I just ran downstairs and gave my grandma a Milwaukee gas chamber, lmao

by spoglarlneeeboingy June 4, 2022

nazi gas chamber

A sex position where the guy nuts down the girls throat, punches her in the diaphragm and then proceeds to dutch ovens her.

"Dude, I just gave my girl a Nazi gas chamber!"

by Afrank1105 April 26, 2016

3๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

Jewish Gas Chamber

A sexual position when a girl goes ass to mouth to the guy , and the guy holds her head while he farts in her face.

Yo man i smoked so much tree last night so i gave my girl the jewish gas chamber

by That kid Dan From Philly May 20, 2008

28๐Ÿ‘ 46๐Ÿ‘Ž

chinese gas chamber

n. In the midst of a felatio while seated in a leather captain's chair, a man releases a horrendous death fart while applying the 40 pound hammer to the back of the woman's head forcing her to breath in nothing other than the sloppy poop burp.

Janice slowly knobbed by schlong while i gathered up toxic gas and quickly expelled it on the leather chair instantly thrusting her by the neck downwards into my hairy nigger crotch all black and nappy and smelly of being black and digusting and shit... oh yeah... giving her a waft of my anal atmosphere thus putting her through the chinese gas chamber.

by The Broomall Nig September 18, 2009

12๐Ÿ‘ 18๐Ÿ‘Ž

Swedish gas chamber

Recieve head of a chick for 2 minutes then gas ( fart ) in her mouth, make sure she dosent swallow it then continue to recieve head whilst the fart is still in her mouth. This makes the orgasm more intense

i dare you to swedish gas chamber that chick if you go back to your place.

by SwwdishhFellow May 30, 2009

5๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

dutch gas chamber

when someone farts in a school porable when someone farts in a classroom and it wafts everywhere and everyone is freaking out...think of the gas chambers the nazis used but with a fart instead.

teacher-why are you smiling brownbear?

brownbear-you're about to experience the dutch gas chamber.

by ---kris--- January 9, 2009

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