When your serial partner Gleeks on your taint while moving in to toss your salad
Wow, he/she glicked all over me last night.
The act of having ones taint gleeked upon prior to getting a salad tossing.
Wow, he/she glicked all over me last night.
Glick glick was used back when uganda got invaded by the vietnams.
It was used by the ugandan worriors when they saw a solo viet kid.
Warrior 1: There's a "Glick glick" Over there.
Warrior 2: Oh shit you're right! Shoot that nigga!
The last of a retard that is obsessed with an ugly ah dog
Glick get 0 bitches right?
Yes I know Glick is a retarded last name, why do they like dogs so much?
Another word for gun, firearm, pistol,
Ayo Johnny really walked in with his Glick.
I never leave my house without my Glick.
They thought they were tough till they saw my Glick.
Gross + sticky
A gross and sticky substance
Greg accidentally touched something glicky when he was searching in between his couch cushions.