Religious leaders who accumulated wealth by defrauding, brainwashing masses or using the age-long adopted manual, princinples, precepts & books to buttress their motives having mastered its wherewithal.
1-4 of the super rich Capitalist Gospel Guys in the christendom are from Nigeria.
The action of trying to push your religious beliefs onto other people (usually Christians), and them getting upset when you don’t agree with their beliefs.
Carrie kept gospeling to us after we told her we didn’t believe in the Bible.
The Word from the mouth of @furbys_and_nonsense 's cat, Schmity.
Have you been spreading the Schmity Gospel and worshiping our lord and savior?
The thing muslims use for evidence that rebecca was 3 even though it doesn't exist
Muslim: According to the Gospel Of David, rebecca was 3 years old
Christian: The Gospel Of David Does not exist
To make any song sound more like gospel music; churchy
Listening to Kayne West Sunday Service and all of those songs that He tried to gospelize
Any good news related to making money or starting a business
John: What’s good, bruh? What’s the “good gospel”?
Anthony: Just been slang in and about to cash in this c note ($100) for some new kicks.
John: Got any “good gospel” you wanna share?
Anthony: yea man. Ima get hired by at this new job off 135th and Broadway. Gotta stay on my grand and hustle cause these bills don’t pay themselves.
Gospelization is the act of making things gospel that should not be.
Omg!!! If I see one more video of the gospelization of a secular song, I’m going to scream!!!