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I have to admit I've read all the "gothic" entry's and some of them are so out there is is unbelievable! And they are so different from eachother! Who is to say what is "gothic" and what is not? These are some notes I've gained watching "gothic" people and their friends (me).

1. Gothic is a steriotype and it shouldn't be. Some gothic people worship false gods and the devil, but I know some who worship God and are christians. Just like all christians are different so are gothics.
2. Gothic is not a religion. If gothic were a religion they would all be WORSHIPING the same thing! Get a clue!
3. Gothics are nice people. Some people think gothics are weird and mean, but they're not.Yes some are, but aren't some "jocks" mean and "class presidents" Stop steriotyping them to be mean and totally suicidal. They're NOT!
4. Gothics dress in black because that is what they like. Some people dress in all pink, but you don't think those "princesses" are weird. Also black happens to be a very cool color and if you are in love with it good for you.
5. Gothics have a mind and are not simply death orented, bloodthirsty, suicidal, depresed robots! Yes some gothics like death, but so do other people, death is a way to be reborn and freed. Also, some like blood and drink it, but that doesn't make them gothic. I am fasinated with blood, am I gothic?! Also, some are sucidal and depressed, but so are some of our most loved celebertys! Get a grip!

In conclusion gothic is simply what someone wants to all themself. People call themselfs pimp or punk and you don't make a big deal about it. So what if they're gothic? Bite me.

1.Prep- oh my gosh you're wearing black and listening to that horror music! You must brink blood and worship weird stuff! You must be gothic!
Gothic- oh my gosh you're wearing a stupid letterman jacket and listening to Cher! You must me gay!

2. Prep- look that gothic girl goes to the same church as us! But she's gothic why isn't she off worshipping the stuff in her relgion?
Gothic- look you're a prep! why aren't you off worshipping your boyfriend? Stupid, preps! Gothic is not a religion!

3. prep moom- Look at that gothic boy! Where's the scars from when he slit his wrists?
2nd prep mom- I bet he is covering them with his spike braclets. Gothics are such little hoodlems!
Gothic- get a life, I was going to say hello, but I guess it would be better if a took a knife and started bleeding to my death!

4. prep girl in Claires- look that girl just went into hot topic I bet she's trying to act gothic!
prep boy- yeah in that weirdo cult is the only place she'll ever fit in.
Gothic boy- it's not a cult and black way cooler than your gay letter man jacket I bet you're just wearing that so your girlfriend'll think your cool!

5.prep- look at those gothics hanging out! I bet they're going to slit they're wrists and drink eachothers blood!
gothic- no, but cutting you doesn't seem like suck a bad idea... just kidding. You preps are so easy to scare all we have to do is look at you weird and you go crying to your mama!

by Short Stuf (the bloodsucking vamp, j/k) July 13, 2004

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If you want the style, it's where one wears dark clothing (and sometimes make-up) to express one's personalilty. The stereotype is describes this style as a sign of devil worship or suicide but really every person is different.

You could wear gothic black and gothic make-up because you want to "go un-noticed" in high school...just like you could wear tight shirts to impress girls and be "checked out" by them.

Styles are results of the way YOU THINK (and you alone). Stereo-types in this world just categorize us into groups that are very un-reliable.

For example:

I like wearing holister...it makes me feel good about myself...so I'm considered preppy but I'm not obsessed with sports and popularity...I actually write dark stories, enjoy mythology, and I do a haunted house every year...but people don't know that just by looking at me...

by RyaG April 1, 2007

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Gothic does not mean most of the things that are on these pages , to all of the readers. I happen to be a 30 year old "gothic woman" so all of those phrases referring to teenagers, well those are not goths, just kids who are trying to get attention if they act like little asses , They do not reamain gothic after high school,but as we all know all teenagers act like that, but the "preps " are usually the ones who end up pregnat by the age of 15.

Although there are true gothic teenagers that stay this way all of their lives. There are some that give others a bad name, just live White people, African Americans, Hispanics, Muslums, you cant judge everyone by one person!

All of the Gothic people I know are very much more on a normal level of life than you so called everyday average people, & yes society does look down on all the gothic people , because its not their way of life, but we do not understand the concept of the way your lives are lived either.
Having chickens in your kitchen for decoration, thats kinda messed up huh? & pretty pink walls & so fourth, You are still just as screwed up in the head as the rest of us, so dont think you are any better. As for hot topic, go in there sometime & talk to the people that work there,or ther customers.
You will find them some of the most intellegent people you will ever meet, Oh & the nicest, as long as you don't come of as you are going to insult them . All that goths are ,are people who are who they want to be, so as for the comments about it not having to do with people, clothing, music or whatever, it has to do with all of those things, because thats the way we want it.
It has NOTHING to do with your defintion, do you see us getting on here writing about how stupid sporty , athletic people are? No you don't. So lay off the subject until you know more about it , the stereotype did come from the old word gothic because that is what has turned us onto that lifestyle, the art, the architecture & so fourth, there are gothic people that do not even dress in black, but they don't because of people like you!!!!!!

by Roseanna Steele September 22, 2006

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Unlike what people might say, goths are not depressed people, in fact they're people tha CAN see beauty even in some places that normal, stupid people can't, for example death.

they look like old school real punks, but with a darkes sense of fashion: black clothes, piercings, chains, grose hairstyles and other things may caractrize them.

Saint Theresa of the Child Jesus was goth: she was always wearing black and she didn't despise death... haha just kiding.

Evanesence are NOT goth

Lacrimosa and Rosseta Stone are examples of gothic music

by Sheishop August 12, 2007

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1 - A type of architecture used through the Middle Ages - changed slightly after the black death, but carried on through to the Victorian times etc.

2 - A style of music, derived from punk. Bauhaus, London After Midnight, The Mission etc.

3 - A style of literature and art.

4 - A way of dressing; different types include Lolita, Cyber, Romantic etc. A fair amount of black, mixed with other colours (purple, red, white, and in the Cyber case, neon colours). Gothic also extends in other ways such as home decor.

1 - Just check out Oxford for loads of Gothic style buildings!

by Knickerblocker Glory June 10, 2006

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Lately the word gothic has evolved into a classic stereotype for people dressing in black listening to death metal and black metal. It may mean any number of things.

1. Pertaining to the Goths, a Germanic Tribe.

2. From a Renaissance perspective. It pretty much means "rough" if used in that context. If you were to take classical and make it the complete opposite. There were different periods of gothic art and architecture around that time. You'll find most of it in Europe.

3. A species of noctuid moth.

4. A gothic novel. It was a British literary genre from the late 18th century to the 19th century.

5. In the late 20th century it became what people use now. Meaning "dark" and "gloomy." It developed into a stereotype from the music goth rock. Now the people are characterized as wearing all black, into things that may be considered more abstract and darker than what is normal, and listening to various types of metal and darkwave.

6. Sometimes associated with Satanism, though the two are very often not related.

Put plainly, it has been taken from an art form into something that is used to confine and label people in one group. It's become one of the many labels such as "emo", "gangster", and "scene."

Anne Rice is a famous gothic artist.

by disco_bloodbath October 5, 2006

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1. A person who has sincerely immersed themselves in a stoic and depressingly good literature, is rather solemn and is gothic because of a state of mind not the clothes, black nails, or music.
2. Some jerkoff who wants to be definition number one but is just a retarded teenager confuzed by puberty and taking it out on the world, catagorizing themselves, and shopping at the all-mighty evil, Hot Topic... because they think its all about how they dress and what they listen to.

For definition 1-
The gothic culture was always been looked down upon due to a lack of social acceptance
For Definition 2-
"Dude. check out the new clothes and lipstick i got from hot topic. i am so gothic" <--should be shot.

by jane December 10, 2003

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