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guerilla gardening

When government owned land is forcefully taken by a the people and turned into a community garden in which members of the community claim small plots and bust their asses to cultivate land for public benefit. This results in more community involvement and creates a sense of empowerment among the community members.

Jamal: "Hey, wanna screw the government? "
Da'Quan: "Yeah! Let's start a guerilla gardening movement."

by FoodAndSoc November 18, 2014

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Guerilla Growing

Growing large amounts of anything all at one time.

My guerilla growing operation down by the pool is MASSIVE.

by Magicx July 14, 2009

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industreet guerilla

an entrepreneur from the streets who uses thier knowledge to lead others into success. usually in the music industry. guerilla means to use Force

We are going to get into the BET Awards industreet Guerilla style.

by coorporateBuggin July 2, 2009

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Guerilla War Sex

The act of sexual contact with multiple, compliant partners in an aggressive fashion. Some sort of fucked up orgy not for the feint hearted.

Victoria: Me and Mike(1) are going to Jackie's for a good time. You're more than welcome to tag along.
Mike2: I've heard about Jackie's sex parties. That bitch is crazy!
Sal: I've heard that too, her orgies always turn in to full blown Guerilla War Sex.
Victoria: That's all part of the fun.
Mike2: Not for us like, but thanks for the invite all the same.

by Meathook Mike June 18, 2014

guerilla gay bar

When a large group of gentlemen of the homosexual nature decide to crash a typically straight bar and turn the place into one big sausage fest.

"No wonder guys aren't buying me drinks! This place has turned into a guerilla gay bar!"

by ktbelle January 10, 2010

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guerilla dating tactics

Indirect strategies for perpetrating undeclared dates, often involving harrasment and sabotage that are difficult to combat due to their unconventional nature.

When Heidi realized she was the only guest invited to Joeโ€™s First Annual Dutch Over Slumber Party, she had to admit that he was guilty of using guerilla dating tactics to oh-so-lamely woo her.

by Feliz the Great February 4, 2005

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Guerilla snow shoveling

Shoveling snow in an unorthodox way by wearing minimal outerwear.

I'm about to go and do some guerilla snow shoveling in just boots, shorts, and a hoodie.

by DaHeIr February 26, 2010