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Che Guevara

A man who was devoted to giving people free education and healthcare, stuff that really matters unlikehere in america where u pay through the nose

it seems like health care and education are only for the rich these days

by Fidel Castro March 30, 2003

684๐Ÿ‘ 687๐Ÿ‘Ž

che guevara

A true champion of hmuanity. Born in Agrentina, travelled throughout Latin America during his youth, Study medicine and served the needy, the poor and the sick. He specialise in allergy, as he was suffering from lifelong asthma problem. He joined Fidel Castro and was also a Minister under Cuban government. He left Fidel to help fight Imperialism. Was finally captured and executed by the CIA trained Bolivian army. His last words "Shoot coward, you're killing only a man".

Was a true follower of Karl Marx. He died for what he believed.

by Saimok April 3, 2005

682๐Ÿ‘ 688๐Ÿ‘Ž

che guevara

As a follower of Marx, Che Guevara knew that the working class will always use whatever is relevant to its time and condition in its struggle against capitalists. T-shirts are the new literature, a new pamphlet, a way to convey solidarity and a way to educate and inform.

Don't be misled by ill-informed people who suggest Che or any other past Marxist would "kill you" or be offended by their images on a shirt or any other object.

Do try to honor Che's memory by buying a shirt through a poster or t-shirt collective.

"If you tremble indignation at every injustice then you are a comrade of mine." - Che Guevara

by LCP April 26, 2006

388๐Ÿ‘ 461๐Ÿ‘Ž

che guevara

A person whose mug many idiot, wannabe, poser college kids want other people to see on their t-shirts or hats and yet these posers are oblivious to the man's history and what he stood for.

You know who you are you wannabe poser hippies!

Poser: Hey check out my Che t-shirt, it rocks!
Educated person who doesn't wear a Che shirt: (kicks poser's head in the ground) Shut up poser! Go home and put on your Gap Shirt you mom bought you!

by RC January 25, 2005

436๐Ÿ‘ 519๐Ÿ‘Ž

Che Guevara

Any of you morons who say he is communists are stupid, he was socialist, there is a very big difference, also the people who say those who buy t-shirts with him on them are poser, are very right, they are mroons, hense why you should make your own, or buy one from a private company!!!

Che Guevara was a good man who cared about the people, Castro basically screwed him over by becoming dictator.

by Hasuki March 27, 2005

335๐Ÿ‘ 483๐Ÿ‘Ž

Bay Guevara

A Libertarian hipster, usually but not always wearing a Che Guevara shirt, who may or may not know who Che is, what socialism is, or anything at all--they just like the shirt. These people usually live in the San Francisco Bay area of California, but they also range up to Santa Cruz and have been found wandering abroad on their parents' dime.

Don't worry. It's just Bay Guevara, deciding what kind of croissant he's going to eat with his double rainbow mocha.

by Nighthorse August 7, 2010

che guevara

A red who nearly blew the lid off our hypocritical land.

" Che was history's greatest man. We will always honour his memory". - Nelson Mandela

" We will resolve the conflict betweem the Indians and the Paki's"....- Gaffe by G.W. Bush.

by G.W. Bush June 16, 2005

197๐Ÿ‘ 443๐Ÿ‘Ž