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Ms. Hallmark

A teacher or SRMS who need to go to hell
I’m pretty sure she came straight from hell and moved to the US. She will probably yell at you for tieing your shoe.

Person 1: Ms. Hallmark reminds me of the grinch!
Person 2: really? For me she’s the blowfish for sure!
Person 3: well, she is probably a mix of the grinch, blob fish, and satan combined!

by Goddamnitsally!!!! March 24, 2019

Speciesism’s hallmark

A gesture to the fact that allowing Speciesism to persist without some type of government over watch to keep it in check may over time greatly increase the chances of major disease pandemics happening, including diseases that have the ability to kill large numbers of people.

Dan: Its really sad that so many people have died from Covid-19.
Baxten: It is sad, but what’s even sadder, at least in my opinion, is the fact that all of this may have been averted if the Obama and Trump Presidential Administrations had done a better job trying to pass regulations to reduce the impact of Speciesism by doing things like requiring pet insurance to provide coverage for preventive health care visits and pressure states to pass regulations to reform their animal healthcare systems to make them more effective, accessible, and cost efficient.
Dan: That part I also agree with you on. Disease outbreaks like this are Speciesism’s hallmark after all.

by Vanguard 1998 March 13, 2021

hallmark haunted house

1/ A very typical haunted house, generally categorized by ghosts, moving shadows, creaky staircases, paintings with eyes that follow you around the room and suits of armor that follow you every time you turn around.

2/ A haunted house that while it may be scary, scares you with nice things, such as a ghost jumping out and saying,"you are a great person" or "i hope you have a great day"

friend 1) hey, did you go through the haunted house at the carnival?
friend 2) yeah, i mean i was really scared until the first guy jumped out at me.
friend 1) why's that?
friend 2)he was too nice, all he did was compliment my hair.
friend 1) what a hallmark haunted house.

by gozainagi January 16, 2012

hallmark handsome

A conventionally good looking guy who should be a catch, but when you get to know him you discover he's boring, with little personality. Usually has chiseled features, short hair, six o'clock shadow. Can be found wearing button down blue shirts, however, there may be some disguised in edgier garb. Do not be fooled. Still Hallmark handsome!

What do you think of Brad?

He's cute and nice but has zero game and you can't talk to him about anything. He's Hallmark handsome.

by nicolasix December 10, 2019