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gof hed

The word chavs usually uses while talking to a goth, (or more often than not a person who is not a chav) mainly because they pronounce their 'th's' as 'f'. They seem to do this because they are mentally retarded!

"ei you, ya fwckin gof hed, wat do ya fink your doin lisnin, to fwckin gof choons, innit la"

by Nat L June 19, 2006

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Hed Up

Heat something in the microwave.

Made up by Megan Elise

"This tastes good hed up"-Megan

"Dude you made that word up"-Me

by Thisisamadeupword February 21, 2011

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sick hed

when some one does something good

yeh i pulled 4 bois 2nite"oh you "sick hed"

by ticks February 14, 2005

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(CA$$$H-ED) adj. 1) State of being so high that you are unaware of surroundings and unable to complete everyday activities. 2) Being reduced to a vegative state. 3) So high that ones brain is reduced to tapioca pudding.

Person 1: "Dude you smoked the whole sac?"

Person 2: "Fuck im CA$$$HED!"

by CA$h DAD March 25, 2010

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gof hed

The word chavs usually uses while talking to a goth, (or more often than not a person who is not a chav) mainly because they pronounce their 'th's' as 'f'. They seem to do this because they are mentally retarded!

"ei, you ya gof hed, wat do ya fink your doin lisnin, to fwckin gof choons, innit la"

by Nat L June 15, 2006

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Hed Pig

1: A leader pig or a person who loves to recieve hed or taking heds off of other people.

2: A nirkwad who sends a picture of his dick to every girl he meets on xbox live.

3: A dick who calls every nigger he meets on xbox a niggerfaggot.

4: An asshole who says dick in every sentence.

5:A person who worships meth pig and slut pig.

john: You see that dick over there getting hed ?

niggerfaggot: yay yay yurrrr john i caught him getting hed from my sister last night.

john: what a hed pig.

niggerfaggot: yeah he called me a niggerfaggot on xbox live.

by bbyxrpnxhedxpig July 21, 2009

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shed hed

a person with a massive fukin head.

"god that johannah has got a shed hed, its huge"

by josh April 26, 2005

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