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Historical Crap Anime

A form of Anime which perverts Human History.
One of their most disgusting features is trying to put all Anime things into historical events.

You can see "Historical Crap Anime" in films or shorts with these weird Anime-like characters wearing
Nazi uniforms but still sporting long hair and features so prevalent in that sort of crap. Anime history also shows Ancient Romans and medieval knights or even French sans-culottes in anime form like wearing armour that resembles Kingdom Hearts armour and stuff.

They also disregard all historical accuracy just to show that in the realm of culture...Anime Rules.

by Bengal lancer March 16, 2009

1👍 5👎

Historical Materialism

Euphemism among the homosexual community to refer to "doing it like it's the 1800s". Not just limited to sexual positions, but also to how a gay couple (or moresome) might refer to themselves. Similar to roommates with benefits.

"Hey baby, I think we should think about historical materialism for our relationship. My parents are super religious."

by assssssssssddddddddddddddf May 30, 2024

Historically Near-Sighted

a historically near-sighted person is someone who can only remember recent history, wether it be in the recent few centuries or even just the recent few years.

July 4, John: do you realize that a year ago today we had to use bread slices instead of buns for hot dogs?
Bob: do you also that realize today is when america became independent? John: REALLY? Bob: yes, its taught in history class. John: oh, sorry, i didn't know that becuase im historically near-sighted.

by d00dd00d February 5, 2010

historical depression

historical depression is the learning and educational system of history and its great old uselessness and how with history and if u look back on the past in the present all you know is to not to repeat in the future.

im gonna kill myself due to historical depression

by Hagshdnfvdjala April 17, 2022

historical marker

markers throughout a state

Look theres a historical marker.

by njibhj March 29, 2018

Historical fiction

Historical fiction

When people claim things that are historically incorrect. Example: Palestinian people existed before the 1960s, which is historical fiction.

by June 4, 2024

Historical Supremacy

The belief that the present era is inherently superior to all previous periods in history, regardless of evidence to the contrary. This mindset dismisses past knowledge, traditions, and ways of living as primitive or obsolete, reinforcing the assumption that modern society represents the pinnacle of human achievement.

The rise of historical supremacy in modern education leads many to dismiss indigenous knowledge systems, ignoring centuries of wisdom in favor of a narrative that privileges only the so-called advancements of the present.

by NakedEdmund February 19, 2025