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Indoor Skydiving

While engaging in a group sex venture, with a girl and two or more buddies, the woman is being held up by the men therefore looking like she is in fact skydiving indoors. Different from a lamb roast due to her arms being out to her sides.

Jesus Christ this chick’s a whore, we’re definitely all going indoor skydiving tonight!

by LCPrince July 3, 2022

Indoor Cat

A man who is extremely whipped by his girlfriend. Tends to send homosexual text messages to his woman. These people can be found at their girlfriends house during the playoffs or at a local gay bar in westport called the Cedar Brook Cafe.

A perfect example of the indoor cat would be Nick Ditullio. He happens to be the captain of the Cedar Brook Cafe cheer team and the role model for all indoor cats or wanna be indoor cats.

by Nick Ditullio January 20, 2008

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indoor vamp

you jus got absolutely sea dolphin monkey horsed by the gamertag indoor vamp on Xbox

you just got slammed by indoor vamp

by intheroomVamp February 8, 2022

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indoor cat

Another word used by overprotective parents who don’t like to see their children actually have fun.

My mother calls me an indoor cat it’s her way of keeping me from doing fun things outside like river rafting.

by JCDK1984 June 25, 2017

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Indoor Football

Is the hobby of American Football indoors.

Like if outdoor football wasn't gay enough, they think it's tough play gay ass American football indoors.

Notice how I said it's a hobby instead of a sport.

All American football is gay, even indoors. it should be called FAGBALL.

Ordinary Person: "Hey Josh, what sport you play"?

American: " I play Indoor Football"

Ordinary Person: " Like soccer?"

American: "No American football"

Ordinary Person: "Fag, What a fucken joke.That's not even a real sport. Try rugby.

by Not Hector or Maximiliano June 13, 2011

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indoor snowing

taking cocaine

we are going to a party to do some indoor snowing

by wanktissue February 25, 2010

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Indoor Skydiving

The coward's version of skydiving. It's simply a vertical air tunnel which gives you a pseudo-free-fall experience.

I was too much of a bitch to actually go skydiving. So I went Indoor Skydiving instead.

by HALO Jumper December 5, 2011

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