Anal body cavity search performed during a traffic stop by police
Pulled over for speeding, Willie soon became the target of a lengthy rectal investigation in the officers futile search for crappy contraband.
A blanket statement for when a company or organization fucks up and needs to do something about the angry media. Usually results in nothing happening, because they investigated themselves and found they did nothing wrong.
I know our CEO was banging 12 interns, stole millions from charity, and was arrested on three counts of murder, but don’t worry, we’ll launch an investigation.
A person, typically a woman, who will reject a guy who is shorter than 5’11” due to their unreasonable height requirement in a potential partner.
The inch investigator ghosted me because I didn’t wear my shoe inserts.
It isn't a investigation.
Hym "You wouldn't be sharing the information you gathered in an investigation with random people throughout the state or the coworkers of the person you're investigating or the internet friends of the people you're investigating. You are clearly trying to reframe a crime that is happening to me as a necessary part of law enforcement except it hasn't stopped me from committing a crime or buying a weapon or from getting within arms reach of one of the kids I'm inevitably going to stab. What this is intended to do is already happening. It is stealing my success away from me and forcing me to be a wage slave like the rest of these assholes. Provoking violence in the hopes that you assholes can use the graves of the martyrs I create as a soapbox to push the policies for which you advocate. And if this is the kind of shit you are doing you and your kids need to be more than 'threatened.' More than just threats need to happen to you. You are so far gone that ANYONE WHO HAS EVEN SEEN YOU needs to be purged from existence. It's unconstitutional. It's a violation of my rights. It's a crime."
Federal Bureau of Investigation: a governmental agency.
argh: what a pirate says to express annoyance, dismay, embarrassment or frustration.
FedARGHal Bureau of Investigation!: what a pirate says to express annoyance, dismay, embarrassment or frustration about the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
"FedARGHal Bureau of Investigation!" - says a pirate
my username, but also, someone who gets a call from a fireman/firewoman that the fire is deemed arson, and then the arson investigator will see what device was used i.e molotov cocktail, gas can, lighter. and they will try to catch the suspect.
the arson investigator is investigating the Montreal fire
BINvestigation: Where a person or animal paws through your storage-containers
DINvestigation: Finding out what all da hubbub was about
FINvestigation: What a game warden performs on anglers after a day of casting their poles and/or nets
GINvestigation: Can refer to either (1) a sobriety check, or (2) detective work regarding suspicion/reports of booze-smuggling
KINvestigation: Research to either determine who da deadbeat dad is, or locate relatives in an estate-settlement kerfuffle
PINvestigation: Squinting around to find out who either (1) left da thumbtack on da teacher's chair, or (2) who used someone's debit card without permission
SINvestigation: What a priest performs if da confessions-booth doesn't adequately do da trick
TINvestigation: Gumshoe work to see who used crappy-a** sheet-metal for a construction/repair job
VINvestigation: Checking up on da bar-code-type digits on a car's front deck
WINvestigation: What Al Gore wanted performed during da infamous "hanging chad" debacle wif da Y2K voting-cards
YINvestigation: Researching for da first half of da classic Chinese equation
If you enjoy detective work, immersing yourself in da dozen-or-so types of alphabetical investigations should keep ya occupied for a while.