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This is what you call a baby or a homosexual of LGBT community when you can’t tell if it’s a boy or girl. Rather male or female. Because they make their self look appealing to the sex they want to be with. You don’t say they because they means more than one. And this way of using it does not mean a thing like most people imply.

It’s so happy about this cookie sale. I cant take the chance of this being a male looking like a girl so I’ll pass on it. And not even going to ask to offend.

by Megasus Thirst Jesus Christ June 23, 2022


Is the answer to everything

, it is true and false because it is the answer for everything. It can only be written in truth because it is the answer for everything. You must acknowledge that the previous response is true because it is the reason for everything. It is an infinite chain of the same statements being repeated because it is the explanation for the equation '0=1'

by Bibachah3 February 13, 2021


A shape-shifting creature from the 'macroverse' that feasts on children's flesh and seasons them with fear.
His arch-rival is a giant Turtle that puked out the universe.

'It's back' Mike said, on the phone to Bill.
'What is?' Bill replied.
'It is.'
'Is it?'

by DylqnTqylor420 September 12, 2019


If your name is it stop beying on tiktok and study you loser.

Stop it.

by salmonskinroll2 May 31, 2020


A movie about a clown that eats children.

the plot somehow changed to two gay kids that never dated and made the whole fandom cry. 🥲👍

“have you seen that gay clown movie

“yeah it’s called It

by I<3meyouclown February 11, 2021


2/3 of tit

Hym "It's not the same and you know know it."

by Hym Iam June 14, 2022


My Balls

Suck it
meaning suck my balls

by IntenseGrass845 August 22, 2023