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Jargon Buster

An Accidental spot on a Homeless man's Cardboard Hut...

Homosexual pre ejaculation

Pornstar Vomit


Your baby left a Jargon Blaster on the kitchen Counter...

Don't touch the Jargon Blaster on the drunkards shirt.... It may be Obama's...

Anyone who does not understand Common Law enough to differentiate it with Legalese is a Jargon Buster

by Slammah May 4, 2011

2👍 7👎


jargon is a language that was invented an incredibly smart chemistry professor , Mubarak Idroos , his aim was and is to introduce a unique language to the world , it took him approximately 2 years to make up Jargon , a language of the forests , released in 1976, he was able to fullfill his dreams by spreading it around the world in less than 10 years making a world record for the "fastest spreading language" of that time , legend has it that anyone who has learnt the language of Jargon is said to have a rich and successful life ahead of them

"i can speak Jargon fluently"

by a language of the forests February 14, 2023


A retard

Damn draven is a jargon

Yeah he is a retard

by PiperPickledPeter January 24, 2019

medigal jargon

The combination of medical and legal, it is a form of literature found in such information as insurance forms. The fine print medical and legal jargon that nobody ever reads.

The insurance benefits form had the following medigal jargon: Outpatient Prescription Drug Indemnity Benefit:
(Applicable only if this benefit is not excluded on the Schedule.)
The Company will pay the Outpatient Prescription Drug Indemnity Benefit, as shown in the Schedule, for each prescription filled for a Covered Person. This benefit is subject to the Outpatient Prescription Drug Indemnity Benefit Maximum, as shown in the Schedule.

by Wendy N and Beth C March 21, 2006

clock jargon

When you ask someone for the time and are told "half past" or "quarter past".

Person 1: Excuse me... What time is it?
Person 2: Quarter past.
Person 1: That's clock jargon... Can you tell me what the exact time is please?

by Fairhart January 24, 2017


The act of jargon.

I'm going to jargonate you with the words from the dictionary most people skip.

by AltairGamma December 9, 2017

jargon barf

The words spewed out at many business meetings and presentations where lots of speaking occurs but no ideas or concepts are actually communicated.

Let's make a drinking game out of the jargon barf coming out of this presentation.

by handle&&7 December 19, 2018