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Chase Jarrett

Chase Jarrett is a small prepubescent man-child who's dick is as small as a walnut and only capable of pleasuring a kindergarten girl. Chase is very uncapable of pulling women and is stuck having a picnic with the friendzone. My mans has a forehead the size of the twin towers and waiting to be struck by multiple arab Terrorists airplanes. My mans has a bitch count of my desexed dogs testicales. Chases is only able to shave upwards and has a constant irritation to his genital area.

Damn is that chase Jarrett hes has no bitches!

by Cutie is so delicious December 1, 2022

Jeff Jarrett

one of the worlds wrost wrestler, Him and his old jack off in TNA suck. Can't wait till abyss comes to the WWE bitchs.

you fucking idots if you belive he is cool

by ~Michelle~ January 8, 2005

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christian jarrett

An ugly person who will whatch you in your sleep and stalk you for eternity

Look over there it is Christian Jarrett.
Yeah don't go close to him his ugliness will kill you!

by Soul1Reaper6897 February 24, 2017

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Jarrett The Gay

one ginger boyo who can’t contian his love for anime porn, watch out he might cum on your floor with pride and smile whilst he does it

be aware of this dangerous creature

Did you hear about the weird kid Jarrett The Gay?

by eat my ass timmy November 18, 2018

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jarrett and rebekah

Are you a Jarrett and have meet a sweet young lady named Rebekah? Or a Rebekah who has meet a cute cowboy Jarrett? Jarrett and Rebekah's are made to be! They are soul mates. I have been told that if a Jarrett and a Rebekah meet their love is undeniable. If it is truly meant to be they will have a spark.. Both of which having brown hair and brown eyes if truly meant to be.

Jarrett and Rebekah's will fall in love

by FutureMrs_____ September 21, 2014

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International Jarrett Stidham Day

On April 4th, we will celebrate national Jarrett Stidham day, as he wears #4 for the Patriots.

Do you know what day it is today”
It’s International Jarrett Stidham Day!”

by depressedbostonfan April 4, 2021

Jarrett Knowles

A fuckin buetty, “Jarrett Knowles’s” are known as the best people in the world, they are party monsters and honestly don’t give a single fuck

Girl) hey, was Jarrett Knowles here last night?
Other girl) Yeah, the kid smoked all of our fucking hash

Girl) shit what a buetty eh?

by Buetty boy November 18, 2019