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Jehovah's Witnesses

A F****D-up "religion" in which annoying people knock on your door and talk about their cult. DO NOT SUBMIT TO THEM. Their "religion" disposes of all holidays because they are "satanic" and blames other religions for faults in the world. They believe that they are the true Christians and that everyone else is crazy. (Yeah Right). They also believe that innocent little children going to Sunday School are working for the devil.

Jehovah's Witnesses are MORONS and are to STUPID realize that it is THEM who are working for the devil.

by Q January 16, 2005

637๐Ÿ‘ 492๐Ÿ‘Ž

jehovah's witnesses

Jehovah's Witnesses try to live by the words of Jesus at John 13:34,35 which indicate that his true followers would be identified by their love for one another. This is one reason they do not take up arms or go to war.

Woman: "I don't like Jehovah's Witnesses because they refuse to join the military and fight for the freedoms they enjoy everyday. My son went to war and gave his life for his country."

Jehovah's Witness: "I'm sorry to hear about the loss of your son. But one thing you can be assured of, he didn't lose his life at the hands of one of Jehovah's Witnesses"

by gva April 20, 2006

644๐Ÿ‘ 521๐Ÿ‘Ž

Jehovah's Witnesses

Many people have a wrong view of Jehovah's Witnesses, wich is unfortunate.

They have been falsely accused of not loving their children and letting them die.
They have been falsely accused of being against gouverment rules and disrespecting local authorities.

They have been falsely accused of trying to get as many followers as possible to get money.

These accusations are all wrong tho.

Many people do not know Jehovah's Witnesses are good, loving people. Often called strict, they are just welbehaved people, that care about others. They are knowed to leave the places they had congressations at totally clean.

Many people do not know Jehovah's Witnesses are everywhere on earth. They do everything posible to visit everyone on earth and tell them the good news about Gods Kingdom in their own language. Therefore they have translated the bible and their publications in more languages then any other book, wich sounds unbelievable, but is true.

Many people think Jehovah's Witnesses are not allowed to have fun in any way. The fact is tho that they have good reason for not participating in certain celebration, like christmas. Those celebrations are often pagan and Jehovah's Witnesses simply do not wish to participate in pagan rituals. Jehovahs Witnesses are allowed to do exercise and have fun, as long as it is not in violation with laws in the bible.

Many people do not know Jehovah's Witnesses have a totally different view about the future then most christian religions. They do not believe that bad people will burn forever in hell, and that all rightious people go to heaven. They believe that only a small group rightious people will go to heaven, the other rightious people can live forever in a paradise on earth. This will be posible after what they call Armageddon, in wich God will remove all bad people from earth, not sending them to a hell where they will suffer forever, but just destroying them.
Only good people will live forever on a paradise like earth, and that ofcourse is a very good thing to believe in. They want others to know this and that is one of the reasons they try to visit everyone.

Many people do not know Jehovah's Witnesses do not force their children or anyone else to get baptized or give money. Everyone is baptized because they want to, and their meetings are financed by their own gifts.

Many people do not know that they are called Jehovah's Witnesses instead of "Jehovas", wich they are called too often.

Many people do not know Jehovah's Witnesses welcome everyone who is interested to their meeting in their Kingdom Hall and are willing to give everyone who wants a free biblestudy.

For the best description of what they believe tho, its best to ask them in person, at their meeting or the next time they visit you for example.
They also have an official site, wich is viewable in 252 different languages:

""YOU are my witnesses," is the utterance of Jehovah."

Isaiah 43:10

by Carlo December 19, 2004

1022๐Ÿ‘ 845๐Ÿ‘Ž

Jehovah's Witnesses

The simple definition is as the name says Jehovah's Witnesses, or witnesses of Jehovah. In the texts of scriptures and writings from Moses to John, the word YHWH appears over 6700 times. No matter what language you use, whether you translate or transliterate, YHWH's name means "He who causes to become" and it directly points to His real name, which is the same in all languages.
Jehovah"He who causes to become", has caused to become the earth, all life on earth and even a way for all our sins to be washed away through the sacrifice of his Son, Jesus Christ.
And what do we as humans need to do? Practice the teachings set out for us in the Bible! All countries worldwide today have laws regarding murder, rape, theft. WORLDWIDE, we as humans believe these things to be wrong. If humans are "created in God's image" would we not also have the same ideas genetically coded into us? We , as humans, also know that the current world society has declined since ancient times. We have not rooted out hunger. We have not prevented wars. We have not eliminated disease.

As humans, we strive to do our own thing, find our own way.
Is it possible for a race, who were caused to become, to find their own way?
Our history speaks volumes!

Jehovah's Witnesses go door to door because they believe in their hearts and minds that humanity can be saved because Jehovah wants all his children, who he "caused to become", to live and not to die through ignorance and pride.

Wouldn't you yell at the top of your lungs if you knew that your friends and family were about to be engulfed in a horrific and terrible natural disaster?

How do you respond?

by shaemas June 23, 2006

291๐Ÿ‘ 230๐Ÿ‘Ž

Jehovah's Witnesses

Jehovah's Witnesses are just normal people. I am writing because I am tired of people complaining about them coming to their doors at like 6 or 7 am, saying that they are a cult, that they want their children to die and so on... As one of Jehovah's Witnesses, I can say from experience that all of this is NOT true. Our beliefs and outlooks on life, comes from the Bible. If you are reading this to get an understanding of Jehovah's Witnesses, PLEASE do NOT believe everything people say out there. If you want the truth about the religion, visit the website listed below or contact your local Kingdom Hall. Thanks!

The official Jehovah's Witnesses website is: www.watchtower.org

by STaurus March 3, 2009

220๐Ÿ‘ 178๐Ÿ‘Ž

jehovahs witness

people who have wrong beliefs about everything its actually laughable how dumb their religion is its a sinful cult but are good kissers and good at tetris

jehovahs witnesses confuse society stay away

by blueberrychapstickruinedmylife October 25, 2017

27๐Ÿ‘ 19๐Ÿ‘Ž

Jehovahs Witnesses

A Christian religion that do not waver from the teachings of the bible. They do not allow homosexual priests to teach their children they do not allow celebrations of pagan festivities. They are the only religion that use gods name and do not disrespect him by calling him lord.He has a name.

Jehovahs Witnesses

by shaylove69 July 7, 2011

196๐Ÿ‘ 200๐Ÿ‘Ž