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KGB trifecta

The trio Composed of John Kerry, Al Gore and Bill Gates.

The KGB Trifecta are not climate experts.

by Sexydimma2 February 4, 2024

The KGB trifecta

Composed of John Kerry, Al Gore and Bill Gates

The KGB Trifecta. .. I don't know why I invented the term anyways.

by Sexydimma June 24, 2024


Its primary role within Russia and the satellite republics of the Soviet Union was to quell dissent, by first identifying dissidents promoting anti-Communist political and/or religious ideas and then silencing them. To perform this task, KGB agents often used extremely violent means.

Do fuck with the KGB

by mother Russian December 15, 2020


k- Kyle g- garweth b- brock

Did you hear the kgb if back in business baby?

by Ghxvly February 1, 2023


High-ranking Russian law-enforcement personnel who oversee the accuracy of metric weights and measures.

I try to carefully employ the ol' "scales and spoons" when packaging my liquid/powdered products, so that I don't attract unwanted attention from the kgB.

by QuacksO September 16, 2019


KGB stans for "kinky gay boys" or "kinda gay boys"

There are some KGB over there.

by immortalterror January 27, 2022


Acronym of "Kiss and GoodBye", describing the way some dates end without intercourse.
Whether it's a good thing or not is up to you and highly depends on what you expected.

- Hey man, how did it go with Marisa last night?
- Well, the evening was nice, we had a lot of fun but in the end all I could get was a KGB

by The Internet Movie Data Band July 25, 2021