Balls that are used for self pleasure. Usually two balls that are attached to eachother. You may stick them in the many orifices that you have on your body. For example, your anus, or crotch if female.
I found my roommates kegel balls hidden in the shelf below are sink.
As we all know, a “Karen” is a woman who is being “the worst.” A “Kegel of Karens” is the term to refer to Karens that have gathered in a group, much like a flock of birds, gaggle of geese, murder of crows, or a herd of cows.
“Wow- check out that Kegel of Karens ripping that manager a new one over there.” or “That Kegel of Karens are way too aggressive at their kids’ hockey game.”
When your girl sneezes when you're inside her and she grips your penis like a gorilla grip on
kenjackson8958, donkey kegel
Da assorted seductive hips-swaying and crotch-undulating maneuvers dat a hot chick performed in front of a lustful stud who consequently engaged in one or more of da bare-genitaled bouncy-bouncy sessions wif said luscious looker which resulted in her now-upcoming "first celebration of Mother's Day", and which also presently necessitates her partaking of assorted abdominal-flexing exercises for better prenatal health.
In da infamous "four spaghettis" joke (i.e., "two with sausage and meatballs, and two without"), said "liberally-fertile-and-fertilized" chick must have had to do a whole PASSEL of pre-Kegels during da following months!
When you are very drunk; when you are so drunk you keep doing stupid things like stealing cones or jumping into bushes
Dude, I was so kegel I stole a cone and jumped into a bush.
The involuntary act of constricting one's sphincter when met with alarming news and or a fearful situation.
When I read the story about the fish that swims into your peehole, I did a fear kegel.