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anna kween

anna kween will annoy you to the end of your days
they cannot be quiet because they're too busy leeching off of mods
anna kweens blame everything on sexism when it's really just her GARBAGE aesthetic
and attitude

"you know that girl? she's just an anna kween- just can't keep her mouth shut."

by tyler discord August 29, 2018

white kween

a very racially motivated female who hates all other races and refuses to accept her asian identity or only accepts the wrong country, instead embracing the only white side of her wasian heritage

GIRL 1: "wow, she's so smart!"
GIRL 2: "no shes not... shes a white kween."
GIRL 1: "ew"

by yoyoyoskibidi April 9, 2024


Another word for “Queen

“Omg Stacy your such a kween

by Lajoutaless luver 1509 June 9, 2019


Posh wannabe indie, perfect round ass with a leniency for tantric sex. 10/10 would recommend.

Come here you kween!

by Tomathoexoxo November 26, 2024


It's like the word queen but you use the word kween for your bestfriend or gilrfriend. You would usually use kween on girls when their on fleek and slaying it that day!!!

Melissa: Your such a kween today!

by pinkypie:)) November 24, 2020


Neutral noun. King + queen combined.

Yas, kween!

by debitford March 29, 2022


A woman who deserves simping because of her wholesome exemple to society. Usually wives and mothers who maintain their femininity, beauty and who treat their husbands like kings.

Kate Middleton is a kween

by Oinker representative May 18, 2020