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The Enemy of Humanity with a weakness for money and other things they need to live, they hate their clients, white people, people in the German armed services, and they love people that can make them a quick buck or two.

Lawyers are indeed the Enemy of Humanity Destroy them with Pennies!! do do so throw the pennie at them and when the bend over to pick it up run over and steal it from them they turn to ash!

I went to meeet my lawyer one day I had a pennie in my pocket for protection, I walked into the monsters lair (offfice) and said " Hey think fast!" I threw the pennie at him and when he went to grab it I nicked it from him and watched as he turned to dust with a loud yell he said " Give me the pennie or so help me I willl sue you for 500 of them BWAHAHAHAHAHAH!" Isweat dropped at his decleariton then walked to his dest and started to pisss on the ashes.

by Fant Nagner (TF) September 17, 2009

32๐Ÿ‘ 65๐Ÿ‘Ž


See 'Solicitor' for a comprehensive definition

Nobody likes a lawyer, not even lawyers.

by Master of the Rolls May 30, 2003

36๐Ÿ‘ 75๐Ÿ‘Ž


-used when you think you are right in an argument.
-defeating an argument by confusing them with clever questions

you've been lawyered!

by pjr0223 May 16, 2011

57๐Ÿ‘ 131๐Ÿ‘Ž


The whole common law judicial process is adversarial and hence the lawyers of both sides concentrate on their own argument so the Judge can make an informed decision.

The problem is, one of the lawyers always sucks so the judge receives a very unbalanced view.

Hence, lawyers are selfish bastards only interested in advancing their own case. By doing this, justice gets fucked over because judges can't know everything about the law, that's not their job. And because they don't know every aspect of the law, all you have is lawyers coming down to techinicalities that don't really have shit all to do with justice.

Thank God that their are some judges out there who actually know the law and can smell lawyers and their bullshit from a mile away.

by RtotheOB May 20, 2005

40๐Ÿ‘ 88๐Ÿ‘Ž


A mental disorder. Dietary characteristics include calling oneself a vegitarian, and then eating meat. Have a veracious appetite for chocolate bars, drinking inhuman (possibly angelic) amounts of diet coke.

It also includes a paranoia in which the person believes that every individual of the opposite sex (and then some) wants to propagate (screw) them so hard that Jesus falls off the cross. Waist size is not part of this consideration.

The most major symptom is believing that they "could" have been a lawyer. A very smart lawyer at that, who may graduate from lawyer school. As well thinking that carrying more than $20 means that they are super, ultra wealthy.

People who have diagnosed with lawyerism seem to have a tendency to "F" up grocery stores and respectful managers.

"I think that "Witful" girl should study into lawyerism. (Polite way to say that someone is a good candidate of this disorder)

by Couldabeenlawyer September 25, 2006

11๐Ÿ‘ 22๐Ÿ‘Ž


a blind man who is <in the canadian system anyways> protecting either the wrongly prosecuted or the clearly guilty but can only trust the truths or lies that are only words coming from the mouth of the prosecuted that might be false and either way cause suffering if the prosecuted wins or looses often bringing an image of a scummy person

whats the difference between a lawyer and a bucket of crap? the bucket

by bitch-slap contorted-body nomad July 4, 2005

26๐Ÿ‘ 68๐Ÿ‘Ž


The name comes from the hard work and dedication that comes before the reward. When a person has this name they are sometimes considered to be working their entire life but only because they come from generations of hardworking men and woman who believed finishing something to their best ability was the greatest reward.

Iโ€™m going to work hard just like my grandpa lawyer did!

by Rosebud9665 January 1, 2021

2๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž