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An awesome band coming out of Houston, Texas. It consists of Jake, Ryan, Zach, and Kyle. The band type is Rock. It is inspired by Classic Rock.

Whats your favorite band?

by armyperson59 October 23, 2007

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You’d should go appreciate the best band ever Why Don’t We, they r the best band ever :>

Friend: What day is it?
Limelights: the best day ever

Friend: huh?

by Chev Chev :> November 13, 2020

limelight hoe

basically wants to be in the in-crowd and part of the "scene"
typically buy expensive shoes and clothing
dresses like a whore and go clubbin'
love to eat at expensive restraunts
wants to fuck famous celebrities
wants a guy with lots of money
they want to be where the "flash" is aka the limelight

Paris Hilton is an exemplary of a limelight hoe

by MTLGW February 2, 2011

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A group of fucking haters/bullies, also known as Why Don't We's fanbase.

"Limelights are so mean and hateful" -anon
"Some limelights can be bullies man it's actually REALLY disappointing."

by Sucker4u April 8, 2019

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Fake Limelights

Are fans of the Boy/Man Band called "Why Don't We" that love the boys at certain times or always. They can like the boys when they are all good and innocent, but when something happens with a girl or they say something they shouldn't say the Fake limelights start to hate on the boys.

When limelights of the boys start to hate on the girls that they have or are dating currently they are considered Fake Limelights because they think that the boys should be all theirs'.

by WEARETHEBESTEST November 3, 2018

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steal the limelight

Grabbing the public's attention, similar in derivation to stealing the spotlight as the old technology of super-heating limestone with an oxyhydrogen flame was used in theatrical spotlights before the widespread use of electricity.

The Indians and Red Sox were in a heated battle for the pennant but instead we watched George Steinbrenner steal the limelight for the Yankees with his offer of a one-year manager's contract to Joe Torre that same day.

by Thomas A. Hennigan, Ph.D. October 18, 2007

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limelight disease

An infectious, paralytic disease one catches from a night out at The Limelight.

Symptoms range from and can include all of the following: covid, tonsillitis, crabs, flu, headache, hangover and the worst MD comedown you've ever had.

oh my days I've only gone and landed limelight disease fml. never going back again.

limelight disease? u mean limeshite disease :/

by alex404 May 22, 2022