Noun) a title given by a friend. Synonym of “Baka” or “weird-ass person”
friend’s name , you’re still paying for your OnlyFans subscription meanwhile you’re struggling to feed a family of four? What a Lorax.
A mythical creature that is older than the first tree known to man and speaks for the trees. He is considered to be strange, standoffish, angry grumpy and hairy.
He speaks for the trees and is hairy. Must be the lorax
A term used between friends when someone sees a really attractive person
Stacy: *spots a hot guy* “oh my god, Sidney! Lorax!!”
Janie: “yassss gurl, TOTAL LORAX!”
Annie: “Lorax, for sure!”
Some mediocre film that,although loved by liberals, is hated by conservatives but isn't hated by libertarians like me but it leaves a LOT to be desired
The Lorax(2012) has cringe songs like How Bad Can I Be.
When the lorax climb down the tree,you see his butthole when he bend down.
Girl:"Are you the kink who sat on the floor?
Me:No,I can't.
Robert why you such a lorax probe?
Robert: Because you and the girlfriend liked staring at my butt when I bent my foot on the tree.
Girl:Jeez,that appropriate bitch.
something you say in response to a "your mom" joke. Like saying bless you to a sneeze.
"I had gender with your mother, Charles."
"Lorax meme."