Source Code

Red Mage

1. A class in the Final Fantasy series that uses white and black magic as well as swords. Being a jack of all trades but master of none, the Red Mage cannot learn all the top level spells, but can learn the fundamental ones. Red Mages are depicted as wearing a red outfit consisting of boots, a cape, pants and a shirt, and the trademark feathered hat.

2. In 8-Bit Theater, Red Mage is a D&D stat freak that levels up and is always rolling dice, busting out puns, and leveling himself up. He's obsessed with experience points and bases everything around D&D.

The Red Mage is my favorite class because his hat adds +3 to style.

by Vic Viper Mk. II April 27, 2004

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Fire Mage

Derived from the Fire specialization of the Mage class in the highly successful Massively-Multiplayer-Online-Roleplaying-Game, World of Warcraft. Fire mages have a longer-casting time with spells than their counter classes. This allows the player to complete activities during casting. Activities can include but are not limited to: eating, drinking, or masturbating. There can be a combination of the above mentioned activitiess. Fire maging can be applied in WoW, but it is certainly not limited to the game.

Person 1: Yo bro, where's John?
Person 2: IDK dude, he's probably off pulling a fire mage
Person 3: Damn, y did it have to be in the middle of ICC?

by TheGloryHoleEffect December 30, 2011

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Makeover Mage

An NPC in the world of RuneScape. He/she is able to transform the player's gender and skin tone upon request. His/her main purpose is transforming sexually confused male players into female characters; these "girls" then go out into the world, usually identifiable by their hotness and suspicious taste in fashion (i.e. short shorts from Keldagrim). The Makeover Mage is responsible for at least half of the female characters in RuneScape. Genuine female players are rare.

*PkerGod spots his friend Bigdaddy13 walking away from the makeover mage's house*
PkerGod: Hey, weren't you a guy...?
Bigdaddy13: Um, no? Y do u ask
PkerGod: Yes you were. Dude, I saw you at CW yesterday.
Bigdaddy13: Oh that. Well see this account used to be my brothers but he gave it to me
PkerGod: Hmm. *adds Bigdaddy 13 to his ignore list*

by Enigmatical February 3, 2011

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Black Mage

Wielder of Dark Arts, Shaper of Infernal Energies and Eater of Pecan Pie.

Short, robed, and cloaked in shadow, these wielders of Magick are known to be short-tempered poweder kegs of fury, prone to rages in which they will use any sharp bladed object to silence a source of stupidity, be it living or inanimate.

Indeed, they would be a threat to humanity if it was not for their social ineptitude and lack of good judgement, they would be a threat to humanity.

Do watch out for the Hadoken though... and its substitute, the Fighterdoken.

by Anthony H. April 1, 2003

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pullin' a mage

the art of masturbating in a skype call

(hey, what why are you so silent? you pullin' a mage?

by baconteets March 7, 2012

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Magee Clevis

A sex position where the operator defecates under the receivers tongue. The operator must pull the receivers tongue over the poop. After that the receiver has to gurgle and swallow the poop (perhaps chewing).
To hit the Magee means that you received too much poop from the operator.

P1: Bro, did you see Her last night?
P2: Yeah man she and him had a Magee Clevis

by Hell a fella January 26, 2020

black mage

One of the most revered online comic characters in existence. The sprite who was quoted saying - "Love is a very powerful force. Even moreso when it's focused into a coherent beam of destruction. Every time i cast hadoken, it siphons away some of the love in the universe. I'm not sure how much, but I'm given to understand the divorce rate goes up with each blast."

RM: Hey, BM, what makes your hadoken work, anyway?

BM: PROMISE not to tell anyone?

RM: For the purposes of this conversation, yes, I do.

BM: Love.

by bonekill January 7, 2005

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