totally, really, very - signifies an excess of something
"Aye, she looked main upset. Thought she wiz gonna start greeting or something"
"Aw, I've got the main munchies - lets go to the cafe bar and get some fat munch."
"HE was main goin' on about you all night. He totally want to get in by!"
52π 53π
London slang for stabbing someone in there vital organs
Yo can we go ching up that batty boi from the grove imma shank him in the mains
10π 6π
this word is commonly used by noobs, who play runescape.
An example:
-level 26 n00b: fight me in the wild.
-level 21 n00b: shut up noob, I could
like totally own you, my main is level 105.
-noob A: well, my main is level 106.
-level 26 n00b: liar.
*level 26 n00b leaves*
*level 21 n00b leaves as well*
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Main is a girl that is down for in all things she has you she is your ace your #1 no chick comes efore her just after
Yo nigga you kno julia my main chic she just got me some gear nigga.
25π 30π
The main function of a program.
cout << "Hello World!" << endl;
34π 42π
Maine is a place where people (like me) are isolated from city life, but who cares. Although there aint much to do here (for ya flatlanders) all the high school kids come up with things to do, Because there isnt anything to do about 99.9% of maina's are either potheads or alcoholic's. But I have to say that because we have nothing else to do and were in a perfect temperate area. Maine has the best bud in the U.S. hands down. Ive been all across the U.S. and smoked it all. 40$ and eigth 50$ and eigth and it looks like oregano. 20,25$ and take to hits and ur gone. Maines got the best bud period. Any other stoners in Maine reading this you know what im talkin about, Right? Hey Maine might seem like shit sometimes when ur bored outta ur mind but its better then sittin in a apartment listening to someone getting shot next door. Plus whats any better then getting right F***ed up and goin to the festivals right? :-D
Man I just got some bud the other day from Maine, $100 an ounce an its dank as shit!
43π 60π
Another way to say man(with an accent)
"Whats happening main?"
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