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Basically, It’s every time a man talks to a women. (Experienced it first hand)

Guy: β€œI just want to explain to you why its not just women who have problems”
Girl: β€œOMG! Stop mansplaining! OMG OMG!

by Sanspirus200 November 15, 2020

18πŸ‘ 33πŸ‘Ž


A term used condescendingly by women to attack and belittle men when the women's ego prevents them from accepting the real, viable, legitimate solutions and helpful information offered by the man in response to the woman's complaints, broadcasted problems, or vocalized confusion/annoyance towards something.

Woman to Man: Ugh I'm so tired all the time, and overbooked, and I'm gna be late for my appointment AGAIN :(

Man to woman: I bet if you went to bed a bit earlier and set some alarms, you'd feel well rested AND be on time for your appointments πŸ˜€ You should also try to schedule some you time each day so you don't feel so overwhelmed πŸ˜‰πŸ˜Š

Woman to man: Oh my god, you're so annoying! Stop mansplaining at me and leave me alone! You're not even helping!

by @theREALrealrealdeal March 28, 2021

7πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž


1. When a man thinks he knows more about being a women than an actual women does
2. When a man thinks his opinion is better or more valid than a women's, and "explains" how he's right in a condescending way that he wouldn't use towards another man

Women: I tried to have a calm conversation with a man about feminism and he started mansplaining the patriarchy and how it doesn't exist

Man: OH mY GOsH aRE YoU TrIGgeRD

Women: why do you do this


Women: The pink tax is unfair and sexist
Men: actually it's just a made up wives tail to give women something to complain about

Women: sure bro

by Thatgaybee August 7, 2018

10πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž


A term used to describe an instance where a man will attempt to explain something to a woman as if they're talking to a young child. In many cases, what the man is trying to explain is something which the woman already understands... or at least, has a better understanding of than the person who believes it is his duty to school her.

Fiona: Just the other day my boyfriend tried to explain to me the right way to cook and prepare dinner.
Jessica: But... you're a chef!
Fiona: I know, but that didn't matter to him. I had to listen to him mansplaining to me the right way to do it. From a guy who only knows how to nuke ready meals in the microwave.

by WatcherMark January 4, 2019

5πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


The explanation of something by someone who identifies as Male, typically to a sexist woman (or someone who doesn't identify as Male), in a manner Supposedly regarded as condescending or patronizing. But is really just because they would rather not hear from anyone who identifies as Male (or doesn't Pass as Female or androgynous in their eyes)

Mansplaining isn't really a Thing, just another toxic tactic to both Gaslight and manipulate other's & situations, especially when Wrong in an Argument or misinformed/not informed about a thing in Question. But doesn't desire to be Wrong.

Mansplaining also cannot exist without the sister phrase "Femsplaining", which has the Exact same Definition.

"Oh Wow, your response is Classic Mansplaining, Ugh"
"Don't talk down to Me, _____ is Totally not ____, it's _____! Quit Your Mansplaining, you're wrong and stupid, I'm always right! "

by Roseberry22 March 11, 2021

3πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž


When men assume their knowledge and experiences are more valid/worth listening to than a woman's perspective/knowledge/experience. This is an unfortunate side effect of growing up in a patriarchal society where men are taught entitlement over physical and intellectual space.

Rather than listen to my sister discuss her knowledge on the topic which she has a Masters in, her boyfriend began mansplaining and talking over her about his supposed perspectives despite her greater knowledge on the topic.

by Walshdyeube May 21, 2017

203πŸ‘ 568πŸ‘Ž


Every time a man talks

Interviewer: So what exactly is mansplaining?
Man: I'm not sure, I think it's every time a man speaks.
*Feminist in the corner making triggered noises*

by Burk69 September 22, 2020

4πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž