A Japanese phrase that means "your underwear is showing" which became famous in the west for its usage in Chapter 68 of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders.
The phrase is usually accompanied by a hand sign, which will be explained here.
Clap in Japanese is "pan"
The 2 fingers represent "tsu"
Circle in Japanese is "maru"
And look in Japanese is "mie"
Polnareff: *le hand signs*
Kakyoin: "Pantsu maru mie."
Polnareff: YEAH!
*Initiating bro handshake*
a character who was written by me, who probably needs therapy
some random dude: hey! What's your favorite character in this webcomic?
a very swag person: Misheru Maru (buttons) :)
Guy with wierd name. It is a name from Estonia (or something) and hippi mothers usually give it to their children, scinse it means a cirkle of piece in japanese.
Come here Maru, "You will be late for your theather!".
maru is a man with the YAMS. he got that ASS on him.
You see how thick bro is walkin around with all that ass? that's definitely a maru.
When you’re in the lifestyle and go in, fuck things up, drive everyone wild. And then are the first to get dressed and leave the scene leaving everyone satisfied and spent!
She walked in and dirty Maru’d everyone in that room, leaving them riddled in extacy and exhaustion.