A term used in australia for one of its most loved beer xxxx gold. Due to it yellow(mango) colour can and it's brewing location of Milton
Joey bought a slab of Milton mangoes around the other day. Polished that off before we left for the pub.
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A teenager from UK who is a massive fan of pop artists, including Justin Bieber, Lady Gaga, Selena Gomez, and Ke$ha. He has covered several of their, with the effects on the viewers including nausea, migraines, and HIV. He has also made a video "declaring war" on all Justin Bieber fans, which he has removed from Youtube. He also makes multiple false threats, saying that he will hack the trolls who mess with him. Also, when in a tinychat with /b/, he faked hanging himself in front of all the trolls to see by putting a belt around his neck and placing it on his bunk bed. The number of hate he has received has soared recently since the Facebook character Brock Obama and his fans have joined the war against Jared, and Brock was even able to have a private conversation with Jared himself. Jared then continued to tell him that since Pop music is culture, we must embrace it, and he called Brock several derogatory terms, including "slave" and "nigger", and he threatened to kill Brock, his family, and all 110,000+ of his fans. As revenge, he posted the entire conversation to his fan page, and it is also on Encyclopedia Dramatica. He has also said he has been given permission by the "FBI" (even though he lives in the UK) "CIA" and "Secret Services" in Europe, Asia, Australia, and America to leak the haters' personal information, and he also threatens to kill Justin Bieber haters as always. Ironically, his personal information has spread around the internet instead of his.
Jared Milton is clearly deserving of trolling, after all, what response can you possibly get from declaring war on those who hate the single most hated pop star of all time?
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The key asset to taking down Dutch Van Der Linde and his gang in Red Dead Redemption 2.
Arthur Morgan: βIt seems old Micah was pretty close to Agent Milton...β
when someone farts in someone face but more than gas comes out
sherly:what did you do with you boyfriend suzy
suzy: he gave me a musty milton
Suzy: i love that shit
An even wealthier suburb of Atlanta, smaller city/town of inside the city of Alpharetta, where the kids drive nicer cars than most adults and the adults don't drive, they are driven (or, just as often, the women drive H2's and the dads drive insanely small sports cars. Most guy teens choose to drive insanely large AMERICAN trucks for offroading and girl teens prefer more lexus/bmw/mercedes. Jeeps are also seen EVERYWHERE. Milton High School has everything from their preps to the stoners. Their school also looks like a college campus. No good places to chill, most of them end up at North Point Mall, fishing, off-roading, relaxing in Miltons fine houses with hot tubs/pool tables/pools/indoor movie theaters, and eating at all the good places. Chick-fil-a is the fast food of choice and the other popular spots are Taco-Mac, Jimmy Johns, and Menchies. They can definitely be stereotyped. White, rich, christian, and part redneck. Definitely southern, yet rich as hell and classy. If you've lived here all your life you know every backroad, GA400, and your way around the 3 White Columns/Crooked Creek like its your job. Everytime you decide to go anywhere, you might as well roll the windows down and blast your kicks 101.5, you'll also want to keep your hand out the window to say to all the people you'll pass, your going to know 75% of them. Careful you don't speed though, Milton po-po are EVERYWHERE. Hand out MIP's like candy. There's definitely no place like Milton :)
Milton, Georgia is pretty much the shit, alpharetta is definitely alpha-ghetto compared to this.
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Pretty mixed feelings on this place. The town itself is not terrible, no crime and stuff but there is absolutely nothing to do here. We have like 32 pizza places if you are interested in that, other than that we have fuck all. As a result, you'll notice how like half of the high school drink booze, smoke weed and vape because their definition of a wild night is going off to someone's house or to the woods (more specifically to this place called the crater) to drink their poor self image and insecurities away for the night. The police don't really give a shit, it's kinda our culture to do this stuff because no one knows we exist because we have nothing to show for. Except for the schools. Ngl, the schools themselves are actually pretty good, we do well academically and stuff because we have like a good curriculum. Although the people suck. Middle schoolers are entitled and obnoxious, high schoolers are pretty much the same, but add in the fact that pretty much everyone is insecure about themselves so they do whatever they can to fit in. They also hate criticism, you'll notice that this'll probably have a lot of dislikes cuz these people care too much for their self-image. Oh yeah and the sports teams here also suck, except the football team once every blue moon. Get out of this shithole as soon as you graduate because there's nothing to see in this town. It's also mad expensive except for maybe some of the lower-end areas of Milton.
"Hey Joe have you ever been to Milton MA?"
"Yeah Bob I actually grew up here, it sucks. Unless you like eating pizza and drinking beer with your friends every Friday night."
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The tinyiest town in NH that has absolutely NOTHING going for it. There are monthly bomb threats, fire drills, and of course, completely RETARDED people.
People who live in Milton, NH are ashamed to say so.
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