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First of all letm ejust clear something up, moshers do not listen to Grean day although of course there are some that may listen to it as well as what moshers are labelled for, death metal and heavy metal. Moshers do not slit their wrists (of course there are exceptions). The only thing that can give you reasoning to label someone as a mosher is that they mosh ( very and a great workout). Moshers are not satanic, they do not necessarily have long hair (although lots do).

Chav: Look a load of Moshrs.

Moshers: Go fuck your pregnant girlfriend

Chav: *Runs Away*

by Alex156 May 16, 2007

15๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž


Moshers are people who listen to any type of rock music, HATE chavs, like to mosh (also known as head-banging), are often found in the mosh pit at a concert and finally tend to bond mostly with other moshers and emos

The moshers were head-banging in the mosh pit at a rock conecert

by McCartan August 26, 2007

15๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž


Moshers generally keep 2 there own groups, they dont start fights they finish them and in general are quite nice people once u get to know them. one thing they aren't is satanist's and not all of them listen 2 heavy metal, in fact more of them listen 2 drumb and bass and rock music. moshers are out 2 have a good time and make da best of der youth. moshers main rivals are chavs, chavs see moshers as der only real threat i think thats why they try to beat up any individual mosher they can find, but of course if there's a group of moshers and a group of chavs, the chavs will back down first.

In cocnclusion if you move to a new area and your stuck for finding new friends make friends with moshers, you'll get along better with them, you'll get in less trouble and you'll have a lot more fun also not forgetting that moshers are a hell of a lot more mature than most people of there age.

chav group: look at those fuckin moshers, what a bunch of fuckin retards. (all laugh)

mosher group: yeah ok, wen u reckon der gonna grow up.

chav group: what the fuck you chattin, you wanna make somthing of it, come on then ya fucking dickheads.

mosher group: be serious you actually want us to start something?

chav group: all shout and swear as they walk away.

by Lorcan O'Connor April 11, 2007

18๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž


A teenage subculture.

A mosher is a person who generally hangs out with other moshers, and sometimes emos and goths. They hate chavs and visa-versa, but try to aviod them. They wear generally dark clothing, usually baggy jeans and a black hoody with a band logo on it. They listen to mostly heavy metal, and mosh to it (hence the name mosher). They do take baths, don't cut their wrists.

Most of the have long or moderatly long hair

A mosher hears a bunch of chavs approaching from around the otherside of the street, singing some random crap. Mosher quickly flees down another road to aviod the yobs. (true story)

by David Watergate February 24, 2007

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People just like the rest of us who just wear different clothes and listen to different music. And no they dont want this title just so they can cut themselves yes some do do this only because they have problems and feel there is no way out for them. And its not just goths moshers grungers etc who do this i have seen pikeys etc who do this too.
May sometimes be the poser type of goth.

They dont want to be different or individual that is just how they are. Deal with it.

by sWeEt_PaNdEmOnIuM February 5, 2004

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a mosher likes all types of rock music and wears stylish cloths, usually of the color black, they are kewl nice considerate people who are unfairly picked on by chavs. moshers will mind their own business and try and keep the peace with everyone they meet. unlike their mortal enemies (chavs) moshers actually find constructive things to do with their time for example learning to play an instrument. where chavs just hang on street corners thinking they all dat.

mosher are kewl music loving dudes without an attitude problem unlike chavs that hate anything that moves and whats to beat anything with a face

by gazzareth June 3, 2007

12๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž


first of im a mosher and most of my friends are moshers i have loads of friends that are chavs but no offence to them the mojoraty of chavs are dipshits most of them dont even know what the word mosher means and moshers dont slit ther wrists thats call emo and i dont were make-up THATS, called being a goth tho not all goths do i have never ever herard a mosher say somthing like "aw you listening to somthing heavvvy? awww man im heavy" no in reality we dont say bull shit like that and yes most moshers hate chavs to bit realy i hate most of them to this is what its like:-

Mosher talking to mates: yeah so thats what you do
chav (dipshit) : yeah you think your fucking well ard well y not right?
mosher: *sigh* firts of all shut the fuck up second of all...
chav throws a punch hit mosher mosher recovers grabs chav by neck puts him on the wall and beats the crap of him now the chav is on floor crying mosher carrys on talking
Mosher:anyway were were we oh yeah so thats what you have to do




by Dommy_the_mosher April 12, 2007

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