The word to say when you want to seem weird or need something to say for no reason.
*awkward silence*
"Hey Ashlynn, what are you doi-..."
An absolute idiot.
Someone with Less developed brain.
That guy thaught crayons weren't made of wax, what a murp
A murp is a type of face that was created in 2018 and is only used to make laughter and to brighten someone's day so do not use a murp for the wrong reason
"MURP" Emily said
"What?" said friend
"MURP!" Said Emily
"Hahahha" laughed friend
An extremely rich British child who drinks tea and like miatas
Murp is rich
Kill, Death, Drugs
In a sentence such as I went out and did Murp, doesn't actually specify what you did, it is between Kill, Death, and Drugs