A belief that many people in fact don’t understand or take people’s words factual. Muslim and Islam is not a cult. Muslims indeed get along with Christans, which for some reason many people think other wise. Fun Fact did you know that white christans started slavery, at the time the major majority of the African population were Muslim, christans enslaved them and fourced them to practice christan beliefs. Many people believe that Muslims were responsible for 9/11 which was true however those people clearly didn’t understand islam because in Islam it is unexceptionable to kill innocent people. Here’s another fun fact Muslim is actually the second most common religion in the world, so if all Muslims were terrorists or even if it said it in the Quran (basically a Muslim Bible) this world would be doomed.
Jackson- Muslims are people who practice Islam. It is unexeptable in Islam to murder innocent people, or anyone in general unless it’s a act of self defense.
Lorenzo- Then why is Muslim shootings all over the news.
Jackson- Because Of a Muslim does anything America will make sure everyone knows there Muslim. Did you know that the majority of the school shootings in America is from White Christans?
Lorenzo- No
Jackson- See, is it was a Muslim to shoot up a school there would be so many laws put into place to ban them.
117👍 59👎
An Allah worshiper
Many people get mixed up while trying to explain a Muslim.
Muslims are all good people except the ones that criticize and torture or kill. A real Muslim wouldn't kill for just absolutely no reason. The ones that kill aren't good Muslims. And stupid Fuchs shouldn't get it mixed up. Get it right! For example Muhammed Ali. He was a great Muslim and didn't bomb anywhere or comment on gayness. Funk outta here
Caren- eww I hate Ismail
Dran- why cause he's a Muslim
Caren- yeah duh they are killers and homophobes
(Caren is falling of a fucking building )
*Ismail saves her fucking life*
Caren and Ismail become best friends
The end
147👍 77👎
A follower of Islam.
That's basically it.
No more, no less.
The Muslim went to the mosque to pray.
2945👍 1767👎
A person who believes in Islam.
A person who believes in Christianity is called a Christian. Same thing with Muslims
1390👍 828👎
ok, can we put a real definition here? A muslim is someone who follows mohammed and islam. simple as that. not all muslims are terrorists, but i agree that most terrorists are muslim. calling all muslims terrorists is like saying all christians are ignorant jesus freaks that believe the earth is the center of the universe and science is evil and blah blah blah.
I'm muslim and i agree most terrorists are muslim but that doesnt mean all muslims are terrorists. Thats only the pissed off ones in the middle east that kill themselves.
679👍 416👎
Muslims are follower of islam (a political ideology manifested in the middle east) Muhammad took all religious book with him and created quran. For example picked Khatana, Skull Cap, No-Pig, Beard etc from Jewish people's book. and so on
Hey, David don't go near that muslim guy Abdul, he has a history of exploding for petty reasons
76👍 38👎
A major religious group, one of the three Semitic religions. Believes in complete subjugation to god, and that the Koran is the immutable revealed truth which shall be for all time to come.
Unfortunately, a large section of muslims take this to mean that the Koran, being of god, shall prevail over all laws of man. For example, they believe that democracy is the law of people, not god, and so it is not for the devout muslim. Further, the contents of the Koran (evolved several hundred years back in a nomadic, warlike, women-suppressing community) are believed to be equally valid now.
Thus, it is extremely hard to find a truly democratic Muslim-majority country (perhaps Turkey is an exception). In consequence, most islamic countries are dogged by theocracy, civil war, decimation of minorities (look at the plight of hindus in Pakistan and Bangladesh) or more recently, the killing of most pigs in Egypt, ostensibly in the name of H1N1, but really because the pig-growers were all coptic christians.
In countries where islam is dominant, there is war between factions or between secularists and islamists. In the countries where they are minorities, they have problems with the majority community (no matter which community this is--look at Mindanao, where one of the most pacific people, the Philippinos, are finding it difficult to coexist because of the Abu Salem group).
3577👍 2515👎