Not finna cap; not about to lie.
My XBOX pfp is kinda cute nfc.
Text Message or Social Media
Party 1: I feel this away
Party 2: NFC
NFC is a variation of CSB: cool story bro. NFC means "nobody fucking cares" - it is used and means the same thing.
"The other day I was going on a run when.."
If someone says nfc after they say "I love you," then it means no feelings caught.
"nobody fucking cares"
when people just posts things to boast about it or to be a useless person filling up the timeline
(e.g. "I've been travelling around the whole world this whole summer" "NFC")
NFC stands for "Non-Fucking Characters." Inspired by the idea of NPCs, or Non-Playing Characters, NFCs are those actors in porn scenes that are part of the entire scene but don't get to have any sex at all. They're just part of the background and the story, but keep their clothes on the whole time!
Friend 1: So, is it true that you landed a role in a porno, bro?
Friend 2: Yeah
Friend 1: Awesome! So, who are you doing the scene with?
Friend 2: Dude, it's not like that... I was actually hired as an NFC.
Friend 1: Bro, that sucks! I'm so sorry!!!!
When you think your job sucks, remember there are actors out there who are regularly hired as NFCs in porno flicks. Puts life in perspective, doesn't it?