Source Code


Network Operating System. An Operating System that is the brain of a network. A NOS is required for a Client/Server Network.

Microsoft Windows 2003 Server and Novell Netware 6.5 are both examples of a NOS.

by Roflcopterman May 4, 2005

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An adjective describing something extremely pleasurable.

Damn nigga, Thats a NOS iron-cast fryin' pan!

by Rob n Scott August 27, 2005

25๐Ÿ‘ 35๐Ÿ‘Ž


NOED is abbreviation for "No One Escapes Death" wich is a perk from game Dead by Daylight

I knew he had fucking NOED fam I knew it...

by Hilly Faggot October 2, 2017

no nos

Categorising not permissible

Those are all definite no nos, such as do not comdemn, do not insult, do not gossip, do not judge, do not belittle, do not antagonise, od not criticise.

by Hercolena Oliver December 18, 2008

4๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž


Not to be confused with the abbreviated form of nitrous oxide, this noun/adjective, is used to convey the message that something is "nice" when its really kind of dumb, accentuating the word nice in order to put down an individual
Depending upon the situation one may also say nos in a positive way

Billy: Hey, do you guys want to come to see the backstreet boys live for my birthday
Sam: Billy, YOU'RE NOS

Chris: Dude, i just had the best sluuushie ever!
Conor: Nos

by Conorra July 13, 2005

7๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž


a dumbass way to street race if u cant handle it u blow up. If u use it correctly u still gotta buy a new muffler tip any way

nos is 4 cheaters!!!

by chicoblaco June 3, 2005

8๐Ÿ‘ 18๐Ÿ‘Ž


Originally created by two kids named Clark and Mike, the word "Nos" is used to replace "jacking off" or "masturbate" so that they could use the word secretly around people without everyone knowing what they meant.

xMoViEpHoNeX: we couldnt be like
xMoViEpHoNeX: around people

I shiet son, I need to go NAWSSSS!

Shiet, I think I'm going to NOS in G's ear.

I think Eccy's going NOS to Anime Porn.

by Chris [ fo prez ] March 24, 2005

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